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Need help with OBD code P0430

@jons901 - your measurements are practically an identical replica of what i read with my FORScan on my Ford. I had used the same PIDs to monitor. My measurements are the approx the same at idle or 2k or 2.5k rpm. ~0.1 V for the 1st sensors and ~0.9V for the downstream ones.

My neighbour has an identical explorer (same engine, just one year younger), and he allowed me to measure his car, as the "good reference".
The readings on his car are identical with what we read. Steady 0.1V 1st sensors and .9V downstream ones. Both at idle and 2k rpm.

According to internet experts, that should not have happened. the 1st sensors values should oscillate between .1V to .9V.
So, either we are reading the wrong PIDs, or the PIDs we are reading have different output format? read other sensors???

In my case, I have also a bit irregular idle intermittently, that makes me investigate vacuum circuit deeper as culprit.
I broke loose the brake booster hose to see how much vacuum leak can the engine take before it stalls. It stalls pretty quickly, however, it tolerates a fair amount of leak.

As for the smoke, I am not comfortable to put inflammable spray on a hot running engine. I am trying to build the mineral oil smoke (opt1) and burn some cigarettes in a jar (opt2). For now, none of them give me the smoke i need. Still trying

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@jons901 - your measurements are practically an identical replica of what i read with my FORScan on my Ford. I had used the same PIDs to monitor. My measurements are the approx the same at idle or 2k or 2.5k rpm. ~0.1 V for the 1st sensors and ~0.9V for the downstream ones.

My neighbour has an identical explorer (same engine, just one year younger), and he allowed me to measure his car, as the "good reference".
The readings on his car are identical with what we read. Steady 0.1V 1st sensors and .9V downstream ones. Both at idle and 2k rpm.

According to internet experts, that should not have happened. the 1st sensors values should oscillate between .1V to .9V.
So, either we are reading the wrong PIDs, or the PIDs we are reading have different output format? read other sensors???

In my case, I have also a bit irregular idle intermittently, that makes me investigate vacuum circuit deeper as culprit.
I broke loose the brake booster hose to see how much vacuum leak can the engine take before it stalls. It stalls pretty quickly, however, it tolerates a fair amount of leak.

As for the smoke, I am not comfortable to put inflammable spray on a hot running engine. I am trying to build the mineral oil smoke (opt1) and burn some cigarettes in a jar (opt2). For now, none of them give me the smoke i need. Still trying
Wow I did not notice the range for the O2S1's. I thought it was supposed to be .08-.09, not so much higher. I'll continue to do some digging and see if I can find different PID's

Yeah, I thought the same about spraying carb cleaner on the hot engine which is the main reason I have not tried it yet. :) So If you smoke test it, where would you introduce that, at the air box and see if it comes out somewhere else?

you can reference this video to see the voltage race (min max voltage and variation speed)

e.g minute 2:55 onward. Other clips somehow confirms that behaviour is the right one.

I made the set-up with baby oil and soldering iron in a jar. I'll try it tomorrow

you can reference this video to see the voltage race (min max voltage and variation speed)

e.g minute 2:55 onward. Other clips somehow confirms that behaviour is the right one.

I made the set-up with baby oil and soldering iron in a jar. I'll try it tomorrow

If u are trying to smoke test the exhaust u would blow smoke into the tail pipe... Soap water with the engine running works really well... Check for exhaust manifold issues...

If u are trying to smoke test the exhaust u would blow smoke into the tail pipe... Soap water with the engine running works really well... Check for exhaust manifold issues...
I am trying to smoke the intake manifold, not the exhaust. I do not believe there is a problem in bank2 only, as the oxygen sensors on both banks show almost mirror values. If bank2 only would have a problem, I would see imbalanced readings of the sensors, but that is not the case. I may end up there, don't deny that. But I would try the intake manifold to be sealed first.

I noticed recently that when braking, my engine RPM's temporarily increase and then drop to normal. Today I had to drive through the mountains with 8-9% grades and lots of turns so heavy braking. The check engine light came on and the code was P0430. I read through all of the threads on the P0430 code and do not have reduced mileage, discolored exhaust, any engine leaks, other codes, etc. I cleared the code after leaving the mountains and the check engine light did not come back on while on the interstate or back in normal city driving. I am wondering if it is possible that a leaking brake booster during heavy braking is altering the engine vacuum and hence fuel mix which is causing the P0430 code. Any input would be appreciated.
