Need info on replacing front wheel bearings on 97' AWD Mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need info on replacing front wheel bearings on 97' AWD Mountaineer


Well-Known Member
July 5, 2000
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City, State
Springfield, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mercury Mountaineer
I've got a 1997 full time AWD Mountaineer (just like an X) with 120,000 miles on it. Over the last month I've noticed a loud howling noise coming from the front drivers side tire/wheel. It only happens when I'm turning or braking at speeds under 30mph. I did a search on the message board, and it looks like this is a symptom of a bad wheel bearing(s).

I've heard that you can replace them yourself, and I've also heard that the bearings are sealed and you have to buy the entire hub assembly.....which is it??

If I CAN replace the bearing myself, can someone give me some tips and advice. If I have to buy the entire hub assembly, where is the cheapest place to get one? Can I just replace one hub assembly, or is it a good idea to replace both?

Thanks for the help :)

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Hello imq707s
I have a 99 explorer all wheel drive. I just replaced my wheel bearing hub last week. . I got my part from the dealer it cost me $220. The whole job took me about a hours and half(first time doing it). It’s pretty easy to do this your self. I am glade I did it the garage want over $450 for the job. I had to purchase a deep socket 33mm from the auto part storethat cost me $9 use for removing the retaining nut. You will need to remove everything Wheel, break caliper, break disc, ABS senser cable and the last 3 screws, screw picture can be view at (Page 10-7 haynes repair manual picture 4.6) that hold the hub bearing After you remove the last 3 screws the hub will come off very easy. It’s also helpful to have a steel pipe. Some of the nuts are so tight. I had to add the steel pip to my ranch to get extra leverage.
Good luck

Wheel bearings are a pita. The hub nut is torqued with ~200ft lbs of torque but if you have air tools it's cake. Do what the other guy said, it's pretty straight foward. If you dont have air tools (like me) get your self a good breaker bar and a length of like 3/4" OD pipe (something with thick walls) and put it between the studs to keep the hub from spinning and begin the knuckle busting fun. :p

I just checked with all of my local Ford/Mercury dealers and the cheapest I can get a hub assembly for is $294 :eek:

Is there any place I can get one off of the internet that is cheaper?

imq707s said:
I just checked with all of my local Ford/Mercury dealers and the cheapest I can get a hub assembly for is $294 :eek:

Is there any place I can get one off of the internet that is cheaper?
Auto parts stores sell the hub assembiles.

224 at ford parts network

advance auto parts had them for 150 each ... or maybe it was 160.... dont know but thats still the loweest ive heard yet and they have a lifetime warranty...

Ok, so I went to the auto parts store and picked up a new wheel bearing hub assembly for $150. I had the new one on in about an hour, and then went out for a drive to test it out.

CRAP!!!!! Same low pitched growling noise coming for the front drivers side wheel area as before, so the problem was not the wheel bearings. I don't see what else could be making this noise. It sounds just like a grinding bearing, but only happend when I'm braking or turning as speeds under around 20mph. The brake pads and caliper look new......what else should I check?

Any help would be great, this is driving me nuts. :eek:

try libing the slide pins
