Need Transfer Case for 96 XLT AWD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Transfer Case for 96 XLT AWD


New Member
May 3, 2006
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City, State
So Cal
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XL AWD
Hi all,

Looks like my explorer needs some hardware... was hoping some here could point me to some places to look for cheap sources for a used/rebuilt tcase. Since the vehicle is 10+ years old, I really don't want to sink a ton of money into it...

Any/all ideas welcomed! Thanks

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Check with ped5stang here on the boards. He's got a lot of stuff, and good prices. I got a tcase from him a while back.

upgrade to a BW4406 electric x case out of a expidition or navigator. Lots of stuff to swap but can be done fore realativitly cheap. One guy did it for like 600 I think. I have just amased all of the parts for just under 1000 cdn (less than the price of a rebuild)

pgdsm, how bout listing the parts needed?

4406 t-case out of 4.6 liter expedition or f-150. Ex-plorer sport gas tank, navigator rear driveshaft, f-150 front driveshaft, and the electronics, like the shift morotr. If you go manual then all you need is the hardware sans the electronics. Your biggest problem in the swap if you dont have air tools will be breaking bolts loose.

[QUOTE='97 V8]4406 t-case out of 4.6 liter expedition or f-150. Ex-plorer sport gas tank, navigator rear driveshaft, f-150 front driveshaft, and the electronics, like the shift morotr. If you go manual then all you need is the hardware sans the electronics. Your biggest problem in the swap if you dont have air tools will be breaking bolts loose.[/QUOTE]

mostly right

The t case can also be out of a 5.4 (expedition/navigator) with air ride suspension. The front drive shaft can come from a 97-01 f250 as well. Just make sure its not the f250 superduty. Youll need a new GEM out of a v6 control trac (supposed to stick with same year) however I have a 96 and so far the 99 works with little ill effects. You will need the TOD relay as well. and a v6 control track radio bezel, as well as a 1ft section of wire thatconnects the t case shift motor.

I know it sounds like alot of parts but it come together quickly
