New 20"wheels and tires installed today | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New 20"wheels and tires installed today

My wheels FINALLY came in today. Only had to wait TWO MONTHS! KMC had a backorder issue.

But anyway... Got KMC XD SERIES HOSS in 20x9, 12mm offset. Gloss black finish. Also installed Pirelli Scorpion ATR tires 275/55/20 (32")

One thing that kinda surprised me... I was able to use the stock 19" lugnuts and wheel locks, so saved some money there. Just need to use a thin wall socket for removal/installation.


I love how they look. Pretty big change in overall appearance. Sorry pic is blurry, it's from my camera phone. Tires are dirty too, it had just got done raining. Will clean it up the weekend and take better ones with the real digital camera.

I have to do some some minor trimming of the plastic wheel well area, tire rubs in the front a little on sharp turns.

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Here is a better picture of the wheel from the KMC site:


looks bad ass joe keep up good work

Wow man im so jealous, those look like PERFECT for yr explorer, they fit in there perfect and perfect size, good job man how much did those set you back? haha

$999.96 taxes and shipping included. (wheels) I have a hook-up at NTB

Tires were FREE! One of the benefits of working at a Ford dealer. Some people just don't like their tires and want them replaced. Fronts have 10/32 left, rears 6/32....

Damn I wish I could afford that, I just bought my 95 and I want to get a nice set of 20's at least, just a simple 5-spoke type, chrome or all black like yours, and I wanna drop mine 2" but its too damn confusing!

Well, I can't say the 20x9 with 12mm offset and the 32" tall tires fit perfect...

Had to do some trimming of the front of the plastic wheel well today. Had some rubbing. Fixed that though.

Thought I would measure the "lip" too. 3.5"... pretty deep.

Better pics of the truck, it looks really nice.

Better pics of the truck, it looks really nice.

You were reading my mind... creepy!

Cleaned it up today and took some better pics...






Damn, They look great. Now remove the chrome on the door handle and mirrors and you will be ballin.. :)

Just what I was thinkin, it looks slick but if you leave the grill chrome but black the door handles and mirrors and it would look sick.
