New 2006 Ford Explorer - Your advice pls? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New 2006 Ford Explorer - Your advice pls?


Well-Known Member
March 11, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Victoria, B.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XL
Hi guys,

My brother just purchased a 2006 Ford Explorer. Need some advice.

What are the shortcomings of this truck? What are people doing to prevent issues?

The previous owner had the transmission rebuilt but I don't know the specifics. That being said, I am guessing the trans is the weakest link of this vehicle? If that's the case, what do you recommend?

- Synthetic Trans Fluid and a bigger trans fluid cooler? And an external filtration kit?

- A tuner to firm up the shifts?

What about the engine and underneath the hood? Anything I should be aware of?


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First what engine and transmission? Also there are many threads on here that may answer some your questions with a little searching.

Sorry, it's a 4.0 SOHC V6.

I tried doing some searching but there doesn't seem to be a great deal of traffic on the for the 4th gen Explorers' portion of the forum? Or is it just me? The 2nd gen section seems to be more active and is the area I usually hang out in because I use to own a 2nd gen.

Anyway, any input would be appreciated!


Tranny and timing chains are not our friends. Make sure you keep up with regular maintenance. It'll take care of you as long as you take care of it.

Oh really? I thought the timing chain issues were solved after 2001 as Ford introduced updated timing chains/cassettes for the 3 gen Explorers? I know the oil change history on this thing is pretty good, but conventional oil.

Is a synthetic upgrade a good idea?

What about the measures I suggested to address the transmission? Good idea?

Thanks again,


Sorry, nope. The timing gear and 5R55 tranny were the issues all the way till the end in 2010. Oil changes my help, but otherwise it's a big unknown when these things go south. There are tons of bad stories but since Ford produced hundreds of thousands of the motors and trannies, I think it's not that bad as pictured. You only hear the few % of unhappy people while 90+% is just fine. There are many owners with over 200k on original drivetrain.
