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New Bad Thermostat


Well-Known Member
April 20, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Lebanon, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT V6 2WD
I installed a new thermostat about 2 months ago when I was working an overheating issue. I noticed over two months that the engine was running a little cooler every week. Finally, yesterday it was running about 180-185. So I picked up a new Motorcraft tstat (I forget what the other brand was, but it was supposed to be a 195) and put that in. Now the motor is back to 195. The other one looks ok. I might test it and the original (with 130000+ miles on it) in some hot water later. So new tstats can be bad!

Seen this more than once. Hard part is trying to convince a customer that the t-stat they installed is bad even though its "new".
