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New guy 07 ST limited minor mods pics


August 4, 2012
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 sport trac
Wanted to drop in and say thanks I was looking around to see if 265/65/18 would fit and got the answer from here. Anyways here's the truck
4.6 limited I plasti dipped the grill mirrors and v8 badges. I also put a DVD in dash player in it and tinted my side windows.



Here's a pic of my toy

85 Capri that I am restoring

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Some smoked headlights might look badass on that thing. :p

Very nice. I'm thinking of doing the plasti dip myself as well.
Nice job :thumbsup:

Very nice. I'm thinking of doing the plasti dip myself as well.
Nice job :thumbsup:

That looks great!

Those look great I am ordering a muffler this week. I got a sct tuner that I am going to put on it. Wheres the cheapest place? Then those headlights or I may blackout the factory ones.

Looks awesome! Glad to finally see someone with a black ST change their grill to all black... will defiantly help in my decision :)
Post pics of the smoked lights too when you put em on (if you put em on) - because I want to see that too! (I have a black ST if you can't tell lol)

Does that plasti dip scratch easy or wear off. How durable is it?
Looks good:thumbsup:

Should look good on your ride :)

I hope so

I don't know what size tires either 255 or 275's

Sweet ST. :eek: Looking forward to seeing the new wheels installed................:popcorn:



I had to use a 5/16 spacer the tires are 275/55/20 Goodyear ls2 tires

Looks awesome. :eek::thumbsup:

I like all the mods...it looks great! What did you use to black out the roof rack and running board chrome? Plasti-dip? Was it hard to get the chrome piece off - how did you do it?


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I just plast dipped everything I did it all a year ago and it's still holding up great. I
