New Head Unit/Sirius for Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Head Unit/Sirius for Explorer


New Member
August 1, 2008
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City, State
Atlanta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I'm considering replacing the stock head unit of my 2006 Ford Explorer. The only reason I've kept it this long is that I like having the integrated Sirius. I think that I will finally look at swapping this out.

I would like to continue to use the Sirius OEM antenna that is already mounted on the Explorer. I've done some research and the Sirius tuner that is in the vehicle is a Visteon. The question that I have is this - if I change out the head unit with one of the aftermarkets I'm considering (Kenwood or Alpine) and buy the compatible Sirius Tuner, can I use the OEM antenna for the new Sirius tuner? I'm thinking that the lead is the same but I wanted to find out from someone who has already done this before I spent any money. Thanks in advance for the help!

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I'm considering replacing the stock head unit of my 2006 Ford Explorer. The only reason I've kept it this long is that I like having the integrated Sirius. I think that I will finally look at swapping this out.

I would like to continue to use the Sirius OEM antenna that is already mounted on the Explorer. I've done some research and the Sirius tuner that is in the vehicle is a Visteon. The question that I have is this - if I change out the head unit with one of the aftermarkets I'm considering (Kenwood or Alpine) and buy the compatible Sirius Tuner, can I use the OEM antenna for the new Sirius tuner? I'm thinking that the lead is the same but I wanted to find out from someone who has already done this before I spent any money. Thanks in advance for the help!

Absolutely works. I currently have a Kenwood using the stock antenna.

You can even use the stock antenna for XM. I put a AVIC-Z2 with a add on XM tuner and using the stock antenna, works great.

Thanks for the responses! Now all I have to do is make a decision on which head unit I want. The AVIC-Z2 is VERY nice but I don't know if I can get away with spending that much money - even though it's nice to have the navigation and everything in-dash.

Infinity08 - what head unit do you have installed?

Thanks for the responses! Now all I have to do is make a decision on which head unit I want. The AVIC-Z2 is VERY nice but I don't know if I can get away with spending that much money - even though it's nice to have the navigation and everything in-dash.

Infinity08 - what head unit do you have installed?

I have a Kenwood 7019

It works great, but be warned- there is very little space to play behind the factory radio. It's tough to massage all the wires back in, so look for one with the shallowest depth you can find...or just have some patience.

Is there a pioneer Sirius Tuner Available that will work with the stock antenna. I dont want the magnetic on on my roof. I want the AVH-P4000 and would add the sirius tuner but does it work through the stock antenna or a separate antenna
