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New here and new to Ford


April 19, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer XLT/202A
Hi all,
Been driving a Honda Pilot for the last ten years and I'm hoping that in the next few days I'll own an Explorer XLT. So many questions! Got a lot of reading to do, glad I found this forum to jump-start my education.
I haven't chosen the actual vehicle yet. Tomorrow I'm meeting a salesman at Galpin Ford (someone I've known for a couple years) and he's going to show me some 2014-2016 used XLTs that will be certified. If you have any tips for someone in my shoes I'd appreciate them.

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Thanks for the welcomes.
Yesterday I got a 2014 XLT with the 202A equipment package, V6 FWD and only 14k miles. It's a beauty and not a scratch anywhere on it inside or out. A lease return. Happy camper here.

Used it as a trade-in, sad day on that topic. That old Pilot and I have been some places.... But 220K+miles, a small dent, time for new tires and then my mechanic said the coolant was low- pressure test showed no leak. Add that up and it was time. The really sad part is they're going to scrap the car and it still drives like the day it came off the showroom floor- probably has another hundred k left in it.
