New member with a 1999 ford explorer xlt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New member with a 1999 ford explorer xlt


New Member
July 26, 2017
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1999 ford explorer xlt
Hello everyone,
I joined this forum for a little help from the experts. I hope you can help me out. I have owned my 1999 Ford Explorer xlt for about 10 years or so. It had a little over 100,000 miles on it when we bought it. It now has over 250,000 miles on it. My son just turned 16 years old and we gave it to him, Kind of Keep it in the Family Thing. The motor still runs strong and I have always changed the oil and filter every 3000 miles. The door locks quit working on it a few years ago and I just never worried about it, I never kept anything of value in it. My son will be starting school again in mid August and will be needing to lock the doors. Here is my problem: The key fob does nothing to unlock or lock the doors, Maybe it just needs a new battery? The lock - unlock button on the drivers side door just makes a noise, like it's trying to work and locks the rear passenger side door only but will not unlock it completely. Sometimes it will lock the front drivers side door also but won't unlock it from the button on the door. If anyone can point me in the right direction for this fix, It would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Caseman448.

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Thank you for the reply. Are you talking about the door lock actuator on the front drivers side door? It does try to work, it will lock the door part way and lock the rear passenger door but it will not unlock it. I tore everything apart yesterday, door panel off, pulled the wiring up at the floor on drivers side front and rear door. I found the pink and yellow wires that others had commented on. None of my wiring was corroded and I didn't find any broken wires anywhere including the pink and green wires that also run to the lock - unlock switch, Also no broken wires between the drivers side door and the body. I guess I am a little farther on finding the problem but still a lot of work for nothing yesterday. Also the rear switch in the cargo area does the same thing as drivers side door switch. Thanks again for the reply. Caseman448.

Thank you,
I will give that a try when I get time to take the door panel off again. I am busy with work and I have 10 or more other projects going. It's hard to keep on track with all of them. Thanks again. Caseman448.
