New Project: 1959 Willy's Station Wagon | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Project: 1959 Willy's Station Wagon

Ok, here you go. I got the body on today after getting Vortex sprayed on everything but the outside.


I can't wait to see how yours comes out. Post more pics soon!!

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Here is the most recent shot. All the smoked glass installed. We took it on a 500 mile expedition this weekend and it worked awesome!






Looks bad ass man! Im painting my explorer flat black right now. The jeep black looks sick

Here is the most recent shot. All the smoked glass installed. We took it on a 500 mile expedition this weekend and it worked awesome!

Interior shots!

I so want to buy a pre-1976 vehicle and rebuild it - for smog/license reasons in California..

Not a lot of photos of the interior quite yet. Here are a few. I will have more as I get it completed in the coming months. Fixing up an older vehicle has to be one of the single most enjoyable American past times ever!!





Wow that thing is bad ass! Making me wanna ditch the explorer for one of these. lol

What engine is that (in your Dad's Willys)? It looks like a 289 Ford but I've never seen exhaust manifolds like that. Did Willys make a V8?

That's an awesome ride. I'm jealous! :thumbsup:

Its a chevy v6. Forget which one, ill find out though.

Looks Great! Have fun with that Rig!

looking good so far keep up good work what seats are those from.

Guys, I have to stop hi-jacking this thread. It's not really about my project. Check it out on Pirate4x4.

I really just wanted to post up some inspiration. A project like this takes incredible commitment and we can all use some encouragement to keep going.

Back to JTX's build...

I dont mind bro, this isnt much of a build thread anyway. lol. I havent done anything

So, how's the project coming along? Any updates?

Here is a picture of mine with 42's on it. I thought maybe this will give you some new encouragement to keep the project moving. Enjoy!!



