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New rear bumper

Well I finally got my new bumber back from my friend and painted it today. He made it in metal shop at our school, and it only cost me $20.

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What do you guys think? I don't know whether to have him start on my prerunner front bumper or not...

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Not bad for the start of a fab career, but not up to par with professional products.

His work on the angles need to improve, you should not be able to see that an angle was created with 2 straight sections and filled with weld.

But like I said, not bad for a start and $20.

Pretty burly. Now you gotta relocate your spare! :D

it definately looks.....different

i can't see the pictures.

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i guess to many ppl visted his site to see his bumper


It looks a little strange, you might want to make a back plate to hide the under body and spare. How crash worthy is it? The WAAG is more easier on the eyes.


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    web truck 001.jpg
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i think it's awesome, go for prerunner also!

i dont know how crash worthy it is, like i said my friend welded it together in shop class. ill have to ask him if he knows. i got rear ended 3 times with the old one, every time i was at a stop and someone kept going, at like 10-15 mph and no damage cause of the plastic. but this one will most likely cause damage if hit.

it's not bad to start your new project. looking good bud!
