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New Rims!


Active Member
January 6, 2009
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City, State
Melrose Park, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 xlt
My explorer came with stock 15's on it, can i take the rims off a newer model explorer that has 16's on it and not have to worry about any clearance issues? i was looking to put 245/75/16 tires on it,

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I put 16's on mine with no issues. I suppose the speedo may be off a little though.

If you put 16s on a vehicle set up for 15s, don't you have to get your speedometer recalibrated?

Depends what size tires you put on it. If you replace 235-75-R15 with a 235-70-R16, the tire diameter will be close. But if you put on 245-75-R16, then the speedo will read slower than your actual speed. The tire size is what matters.

Thanks for the responses! right now im pretty sure my speedo is off to begin with, my wheel speed sensor has been messed up for awhile now.

Thanks for the responses! right now im pretty sure my speedo is off to begin with, my wheel speed sensor has been messed up for awhile now.

Nowadays you can always borrow a GPS from someone for a couple minutes and check your speedo that way.

I actually tested it on my way in to work today using a speed trap set up by my work, showed I was doing 30 when the truck said 35. Explains why I haven't gotten many speeding tickets.

how difficult is it correcting the speedo? is a simple gear change on the trans or is it electronic?

I thought I something in a different post about it being a gear change in the transmission could be wrong though

If i remember correctly, 1997 was the last year of having to change the speedo gear on the trans, and the 98 and up you gotta do it electronically with one of those handheld tuners.

If i remember correctly, 1997 was the last year of having to change the speedo gear on the trans, and the 98 and up you gotta do it electronically with one of those handheld tuners.

gotcha, did not know that

Handheld tuner like scan tool?

If it helps at all, I had the factory 15" sunburst rims on my Ex when purchased, and I put the factory 16" teardrop rims on. The 16's have Bf Goodrich 255 70 16's on them, and if my speedo says 70, GPS says I'm actually rolling at 72.





Idk if you can do it using a scan tool, think those are designed just to pull codes not actually modify anything. I think it requires a tuner along the lines of a superchips or sct to do it.

@Joe dirt i actually have those rims too, im going to the jy tomorrow to pick out a clean set and go get them mounted up. what year was the first with 16s? 2001?

can i take the rims off a newer model explorer that has 16's on it and not have to worry about any clearance issues?,

Just a heads up before you buy, but if you happen to see 16" rims off a 2002+ explorer 4 door, the offset will be too high and they will sit further inside the wheel wells than your 15's and will look awkward

so what i would need would literally be from a 2001 then?

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Those are nice, what kinda lift you got on there? When I get around to replacing all my shocks im hoping to get a little extra lift like that
