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December 9, 2008
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City, State
Shepherdsville, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLS
Hey, im kinda new to the forum, but i got a 2004 explorer and plan on doin sum modifications! ANY ideas would be great! Im really wantin to do sumthin with the exhaust but really don't no.

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Welcome aboard... you want to do an exhaust... that's doable..
what else do you want to do?
What type of truck do you want this to be? street? off-road? something in between?



Welcome. Use the search function to find what you want; there's a lot on street Ex's and just as much on off road Ex's; without knowing what you are looking for, it's kinda hard to point you in the right direction.


yea broski... what JCUZ said

do you want a sport truck or off raod truck ??? then we can give you ideas to persuade you to mod in the right direction !!!!

wlecome BTW - lots of great info on here !!


Well I dont have 4wheel drive, so i was kinda thinkin along the lines of street. I talked to a local exhaust shop, becuz i wanted dual tips and they told me that it would kinda be a pain, becuz my gas tank is so big, and i would have to completely eliminate my spair tire.

Well I dont have 4wheel drive, so i was kinda thinkin along the lines of street. I talked to a local exhaust shop, becuz i wanted dual tips and they told me that it would kinda be a pain, becuz my gas tank is so big, and i would have to completely eliminate my spair tire.

I've seen at least one where the piping is split and goes around the spare tyre with an outlet on each side. Not hard to do, just time consuming and fiddly, therefore costly.

Street look is good; I started off in that direction, but as I have 4WD, I figured I should use it properly.

I've seen at least one where the piping is split and goes around the spare tyre with an outlet on each side. Not hard to do, just time consuming and fiddly, therefore costly.

Street look is good; I started off in that direction, but as I have 4WD, I figured I should use it properly.

When i bought my truck, it was a toss up between the truck i got and an explorer sport 4x4, but i got 2 little boys, so i kinda needed the 4 doors. I have seen a couple of explorers round here that has dual tip, but i didnt really pay attention to see if they still had their spare tire or not. I think tha dual tips look really good. Another option a thought bout was mayb havin the tips cum out the side either in front or behind the rear wheel

try to find a small shop to do your exhaust. i got my single flowmaster with 2.5 inch pipeing for 180 and he is doin my new set up true dual exhaust threw the body right behind the rear tire for 400. he does awsome work and its hella cheap

try to find a small shop to do your exhaust. i got my single flowmaster with 2.5 inch pipeing for 180 and he is doin my new set up true dual exhaust threw the body right behind the rear tire for 400. he does awsome work and its hella cheap

yea id say 180$ HOLY WOW that was a score !!

look into the exhaust before the rear wheel deal.... here its illegal on a passenger vehical if its before the cab..... so an SUV must always exit the rear of the vehical.... so the exhaust doesnt get into the passenger compartment

lots of idea's here :thumbsup:
