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New to the site

Weekend Toy

New Member
August 28, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Grand Haven, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer XLT
My name is Jeff and I live in Michigan. I love to be outside when ever possible, especially on my bike. I mountain bike almost everyday between on and off road. I have my bike on trails at least 3 days per week. Now I'm interested in getting a truck trail ready!
I purchased a 94 Explorer XLT tonight! I will have pics up over the weekend. I am real interested in getting this thing on the trails. I am looking for ideas and help with ideas I already have. Cant wait to talk with some of you and get this project moving forward.
I am new to this site but have been on sites set up the same way. Hopefully I'll be able to navigate well here.

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Hey check out the modified 91 - 94 there are tons of things you can do to your first just need to money to start

...Welcome here...:D

...A couple of ideas can be found in my signature...;)

Thanks. I was just getting to that area. Is there a section where you guys sell parts and things? If so, where is it?

Looking to put a brush guard, lights, winch, 3" lift, 33" tires and sweet sounding exhaust to start out. Maybe some audio modification down the road.

Not really where we sell parts...just more of a cluster f#$% of ideas and some awesome modifications you can drool over and dream about

Go to the homepage of the site...not the forum

this is where the site started it's when explorers were sorta new and pioneers started to modfiy them you can get a lot of ideas there as well in the forum

welcome jeff
