Wanted - NEW valve covers preferably aftermarket | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted NEW valve covers preferably aftermarket

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Active Member
February 25, 2006
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92 xlt 4dr
92 explorer Valve covers wanted!!

I have a 92 explorer with a 4.0l push rod engine. I have looked everywhere for new valve covers but can't find them anywhere. if anyone could point me in the right direction i would appreciate it.

I am now looking for a set of used valve covers and I will just get them redone. if anyone has a set, let me know the price and shipping, as I want to have them shipped to Turdle (explorerforum member) to have them redone.

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You can always have a stock set powder coated by Turdle (member on here).


See, that's what I was going to suggest if he was trying to get them a certain color. But I wasn't sure if his we're like messed up or something cause he only said "preferably" aftermarket.

For some reason I thought this thread was more recent.. I doubt he still has these, but if he doesn't, I'm sure he can get more and make 'em pretty.



Thanks Mark, I just added more pics to that thread. If someone sends me some parts I can make em look better. If they are all rusty though it might be best to hit the JY for a set to send me for refinishing. That way I could send back a set for you to "swap on" right quick, avoiding down time.

thanks guys. Mine are ok, just look horrible. i am going to be replacing the valve cover gasket and figured i would just replace the covers too. I use to have an old chevy truck and i replaced those just by going to auto parts store and buying them. too bad it isnt that simple with these.

Thanks Maniak, i just pm'd Turdle to see if he still has those available, they look incredible.

updated title and thread, now looking for used valve covers off a 92 explorer 4.0L pushrod engine.

I've got a set in good shape, pm me your email and I can get you pictures tomorrow.

EMG7895 I Pm'd you my email, send some pics and price when you get a chance
