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newb from ontario <with pics>

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this is going to sound very "noob" but can someone send me the link to where i can ask questions about lift kits?

Hey HeavyR, Let me know if you are going to check out that small trail sometime, that one thats like 15 -20 mins long. I wouldn't mind going there my first time out.

Its not 15 min long, its about 3 min long. The whole area is good for about 15-20 before you get bored and leave.

im going to toronto tomorrow, i will be back sunday morning so i will see when i can go.

Hey Heavy, were you at the Highland Rd LCBO plaza about 8pm tonight? (Sept 2)

sry for slow responce, family from germany. i problably was, was there a young kid driving?

Yes there was. We pulled in at the same time. I was in my wife's black '03 XLT.
