Newbie from NC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newbie from NC


Active Member
September 17, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Apex, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer XLT
I just purchased my first Explorer this past weekend.

It's a 2002 XLT. Black with the gray leather interior.
2 wheel drive.

I needed something cheap (purchase wise) to drive to work daily and be big enough to carry my family around if needed.

First order of business is to address the ABS light that is on and the flashing O/D light!

From reading this forum, I've already ordered the solenoid pack and a new filter to perform transmission maintenance and service.
Hopefully this will fix the Hard shifting into Drive.

Havent' had a chance to check the error codes and diagnose the ABS light but will check the rearend sensor as a possible culprit.

Next will be tune up parts including plugs, wires, K+N air filter, oil change, and fuel filter change.

Looking to get this thing road worthy and dependable!
Hopefully I won't have to perform the Servo mod to the trans!


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Sounds like you've already found a lot of good info. Welcome to the forum:chug:

Lots of good updates today!

Fixed my transmission problem!!
Replaced the solenoid pack, along with a new filter, and 3 quarts of Mercon V fluid.
Transmission shifts super smooth now with no issues! Feels like a new one!!
Thanks to these forums for the helpful hints that solved my problem on the first attempt!
No more flashing O/D light!

Replaced all 4 rotors and installed new ceramic brake pads.
Completely smooth stopping now with no warped rotors!
The only downside was the pads I removed had over 1/2 life left! Too bad they were not ceramic so they had to go!

Installed K+N air filter and removed the dirty stock type filter.

Installed new windshield wipers!

Rotated the tires and set the air pressure.

Only problem I have now is the ABS light is still on.
I removed all 3 sensors (2 in front hubs and 1 on top of rearend).
All sensors were clean, but I cleaned them anyway and reinstalled.
Guess I have to visit a shop with a ABS checker to determine which one is the culprit!

Thanks again for the helpful forum!


Couple of pics before and after.
Was too dirty/oily to take any during! Haha.





