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January 6, 2011
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City, State
Upstate NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 Explorer XLT
Not new to explorers, but new to the forum.
Trying to find ideas on a nasty charging system problem on my '05 Explorer.

Acts like it's the alternator, but just got one from the local recycler, which came in yesterday on a running vehicle, and still not changing.

Battery almost flat now... any ideas for other things to check would be helpful!

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welcome joe

Ok.. joejv4 so what was the outcome? this forum only works when people follow up with the solutions :)

Alrighty, then....
It's one of those that makes you want to beat your head against the wall.
So, being short on cash, I chose to go the salvage yard route. First one - didn't fix the problem - took it to NAPA and had it tested, bad alternator. They didn't have another, so I return it and go to a different salvage yard. Put it in, everything running fine for about 2 days, then barely made it home from grocery shopping on the battery only.

Took it in and had this one tested, had the battery tested too - both came up bad.
Go back and get one more alt at the second yard, and put a new battery in it.

Not charging - take it to Advance Auto Parts and have the alt tested... GOOD this time.

I had checked every fuse multiple times, so now I start following wires. as I get up near the fuse box (engine compartment) a wire comes apart. Low and behold, a fusable link that had a poor shrink wrap job and had corroded through (pretty green conductor)
Anyhow, it's on the orange wire that goes to the 3 pin connector on the alt.

$70 for an alt, $130 for a battery, then finally it costs me $6.23 for a piece of fusable link and a pack of butt-butt crimp on connectors and it's fixed.

Front Wheel bearings were the next project a couple weeks later, went pretty smoothly.

Next paycheck is a brake job - the rotors are starting to look a bit ugly.

Humm Thanks.. I will check tomorrow.. can't see why Ford doesn't make these fusible links more easy to see.. I look and looked but still didn't see any.. I will have to check again with a razor blade and start cutting the old tape open to see inside..
thanks.. hope it works.. the dang light just wont go off!!!! everything else is good

You should also put the battery on a charger then take it to a parts store to have it tested. If the battery is bad, the light won't go out. You should see just over 14V with the motor running. Fusable links on mine are right at the fuse box going into the main harness.

The battery is a Diehard Gold and about 2months old and I am getting 14v at the battery and the B+ on the alt.

Update.. 2005 Explorer V8 XLT Battery light on and The "CHECK CHARGING SYSTEM" on the message center was on after using a refurb from Auto Zone
AutoZone alt. was returned,, I was getting a full charge, but i don't think it was talking back to the truck to turn the the battery light off in the truck even though everything else was working, meaning 14volts and charging.. got a full refund..
took that money to the Ford dealer and got one from them..
Part # F8OZ-10V346-CARM This one had a 3 terminal connection I believe the AZ one only had a 2 terminal connection, even though the cable from the truck had only two wires the green and orange one.. The middle connection was not being used i guess.. any way all is well..

Got 14 Volts on the B+
Got 14 Volts on the Batt terminals
The "CHECK CHARGING SYSTEM" on the message center is off
The Battery Light is off as well..
