No 4x4 LOW ????? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No 4x4 LOW ?????


Well-Known Member
October 6, 2005
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City, State
Mount Airy , North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT 4.0 SOHC 4x4
I have a 98 XLT. I have 4wd HIGH but my 4wd LOW isn't working. Any clue what happen? A week ago it all worked ! No blinking lights or anything. It just does nothing when you turn the knob to 4x4 LOW.

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You doing this whilt the vehicle is stopped,and in neutral?

Yes, I stopped the vehicle and tried it in N. After that didn't work, I tried it in P. Still nothing

thanks a lot. Very detailed thread. Is it true that the shift motor only engages the 4x4 LOW on Control Trac?

I have to beat on mine with the tire iron every couple of months because i'm too lazy to rebuild the motor.

badgett said:
thanks a lot. Very detailed thread. Is it true that the shift motor only engages the 4x4 LOW on Control Trac?

110% Correct.

Locking of the front and rear driveshaft is controlled by the transfer case clutch coil.

Now, here's another mystery... If shifting into low is unsuccessful, doesn't the GEM know due to the lack of feedback from the position of the transfer case shift motor? If so, shouldn't it then flash a code? I don't have my schematics in front of me, but IIRC, failure to shift should prevent the feedback signal from reaching the GEM and, therefore, should throw a code and blink the 4x4 and low range lights..... no?

Here's what I'd check:

First: to make the shift, it should be stopped, in neutral, <i>with your foot on the brakes</i>. (You'd be surprised how many people forget the 'foot on the bakes' part.

Second, I'd check to make sure that the brake lights work. The brake pedal position switch also sends the signal to the GEM to tel it your foot is on the brakes and it's OK to shift. A bad brake light switch (or blown fuse for it) could cause that.

Third, I'd pull the switch off and check the resistances in the three positions. (I don't have the numbers in front of me, but it will be different in all three positions).

Fourth, I'd pull the transfer case motor and see if it's turning the way it should.

Fifth, I'd check that the shaft in the transfer case moves the way it should.

That's where I'd start. Check it out and let us know.


My first thought on this was if you were pushing your brake pedal down before you switched to gijoecam stated about the brake pedal position switch.

Hey Guys, I am having the same problem as this. When i first turn my car on the lights for 4wd and 4lo come on for a second, so i know the bulb is not bad. My 4hi seems to work, at least the light comes on, but 4lo does not work. I tried tapping on the shift motor w/ a hammer, but no luck, im not sure if im not hitting it hard enough though, since im afraid of breaking it. Im not really sure what to check next, any ideas. Oh and when i shift to either 4wd lo or hi. I don't hear any noises coming from the transfer case.

Thanks, Jason

Hey Guys, I am having the same problem as this. When i first turn my car on the lights for 4wd and 4lo come on for a second, so i know the bulb is not bad. My 4hi seems to work, at least the light comes on, but 4lo does not work. I tried tapping on the shift motor w/ a hammer, but no luck, im not sure if im not hitting it hard enough though, since im afraid of breaking it. Im not really sure what to check next, any ideas. Oh and when i shift to either 4wd lo or hi. I don't hear any noises coming from the transfer case.

Thanks, Jason

Have to ask: Are you STOPPED, in NEUTRAL, with your FOOT ON THE BRAKES when you flip the switch to 4low?


Joe, i wasn't sure if i was, but i tried that 5 min ago, and it still didnt work, but my brake lights work, so it can't be the brake sensor.

Joe, i wasn't sure if i was, but i tried that 5 min ago, and it still didnt work, but my brake lights work, so it can't be the brake sensor.

Uuuh, then there's something wrong. Without being able to view the GEM PIDs, it's a guessing game at best. That's the joy of electronically controlled systems.

