No Crank No Start! In Dire need of HELP PLEASE | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No Crank No Start! In Dire need of HELP PLEASE


New Member
February 19, 2013
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2002 Explorer XLS 4dr 4x4
Hello Everyone,

I am new to the forum and a newb when it comes to DIY mechanics.

I have a 2002 Ford Explorer XLS 4Dr - 4x4 - 4.0L V6

I washed my vehicle late at night (not sure if related). It was around -10 degree Celsius and I drove it outside for maybe 5 minutes to get to my condo where I have heated underground parking. I parked my vehicle without any issues. In the morning I went to start my vehicle and it did not start.

I put the key in the ignition and turned it to start when I heard a click and then it was as if my battery instantly drained. I turned the ignition back to off and switched to acc. my dash flashed a bunch of times before registered no power.

I have replaced my ignition switch (it was due anyway) and have installed a new battery (battery tested bad and I had extended warranty on it so 0$ spent to get brand new battery). I checked the fuses in my engine compartment fuse box and they are good. I did not 'test' my relays but I did switch the blower and starter relay and no change.

After I put the new battery in, i turned the ignition to acc and I got full power and everything throughout the vehicle worked as far as power wise (brake lights, headlights, stereo, blower...). The second I turn the key over I hear a click and once again the battery seems to instantly drain.

I did another test where I removed the neg battery cable and put it back on and the 'power' did not come back. When I redid the test with the positive cable I got full power back instantly.

While performing these tests, I tried turning the key once and I head a fast, repeating dududududududud from the Rear|Middle of the passenger side of my engine compartment.

I am at a loss. I really really need my vehicle and cannot really afford to get this towed to a dealership nor can I afford a huge repair bill. ANY HELP would be hugely appreciated.

PS If anyone is from Calgary, Canada and wouldn't mind helping in person I can afford pizza and beer :)


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I'll try.

1. Check that your battery cables are tight at the battery.
2. Check that your battery cables are tight at the starter.
3. Give the starter a tap tap tap with the hammer.

If you're seeing that all the electric items are working but as soon as you turn the key everything goes dead, (lights all disappear, click at the engine and no start etc) something may be loose or wet somewhere. I had this problem ended up being a loose connection at the starter. Hopefully others will chime in. Sounds like ya got a short somewhere.

Thanks Chris.

I can assure my cables are clean and tight at battery. The started is another question.

My condo is filled with old people (no offense to old people) and they have a no mechanical work policy in place. I've explained to the building manager my situation so he would be ok with me troubleshooting.

Point of the comment is, what would be the quickest way (As in easiest access, tips...)to do this to prevent complaints logged against me and Location of starter/solenoid?

Thank you in advance!!

In so much need of help

Ok, so I have tried to test the starter without taking it off. I checked the connections and everything seems clean and tight.

I've uploaded some videos to MS Skydrive that I will post the link below.

The video shows the issue.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can someone help.

In the first video around the 30 second mark I say you hear a little click. I am not referring to the ignition. You can actually hear a click in the engine bay. It did not come across in the video.!154

Im not sure if video 2 is showing an effect of my no start issue or if it can be used to help diagnose.!154

If anyone is in Calgary, AB and can help me out, Beer and Pizza is on me!!

Hi , do you have a multimeter handyto check voltage ? You said you JUST CHANGED changed the ignition switch ?

I have a multimeter handy.

I have also changed the battery. The battery is currently testing at 12.3 volts because of the drains during my tests and it hasn't been put on a charger because I don't own one.

Is there any safety precautions I need to be aware of before I try this and are there any potential 'damaging' effects?

Lol. Aside from the obvious.

Thank you for all your help. I was able to trace everything to the signal wire. The wire was shorting where it gets bundled. The wire has been replaced and I now have my vehicle back up and running.

LOVE THIS FORUM!!! Wish I would have found it sooner.

