No keys? No problem! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No keys? No problem!


October 11, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Delavan, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mountaineer
Just remove the license plate light on the rear gate, reach in with your finger and push up on/down (can't remember now) and you're in like Flynn! Locked my keys in the Mounty, and after trying coat hangers, reaching through the handle, rear glass, around the rear wiper, etc. I popped the light out and sure enough, there was the right lever. Instead of over an hour, I could have been done in less than 2 minutes. Just an FYI for you guys that lock your keys in your truck occasionally...

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thats good to know because i only have one key, and one time my key wouldnt even unlock it...

This only works on 1998-2001.

As the 1991-1997 has the plate in the Bumper.


I do :). haha
But luckly for me i lock my keys in my car so much i can get in with a bent hanger is about 45 seconds!! Practice makes perfect!

That's why I have KEYLESS ENTRY.

:scratch:Now thats some good information for thiefs, btw. :scratch: I'm now going to change the light housing screws to tamper proof, but thanks for the heads up. Usually my K-9 security system is in my ride.

Keyless or not someone else could enter with this new found "keyless" way.

:scratch:Now thats some good information for thiefs, btw. :scratch: I'm now going to change the light housing screws to tamper proof, but thanks for the heads up. Usually my K-9 security system is in my ride.

Yeah, somebody else had pointed that out to me, but you wouldn't see it or think about it unless you were looking. I think I may change mine as well. Problem is that I'd want to carry the proper tool with me, just in case...

Yeah, somebody else had pointed that out to me, but you wouldn't see it or think about it unless you were looking. I think I may change mine as well. Problem is that I'd want to carry the proper tool with me, just in case...
Instead of carrying another tool, just carry an extra key that will unlock the door. Or zip tie/tape it under the vehicle some place. This will prevent even more embarrassment because your extra key safely placed in your wallet is setting on the console of your locked Ex. Beats carrying a clotheshanger as well.

I bet the 98-01 explorer crime rate goes up tonight by about 50% LMAO

Instead of carrying another tool, just carry an extra key that will unlock the door. Or zip tie/tape it under the vehicle some place. This will prevent even more embarrassment because your extra key safely placed in your wallet is setting on the console of your locked Ex. Beats carrying a clotheshanger as well.

I'm going to do that as well. Just had yet to do it. For some reason my drivers side door lock didn't want to work last night...It was fine yesterday morning and when I left work...Grrr...more crap...
