No oil pressure upon start up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No oil pressure upon start up


New Member
January 7, 2005
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City, State
Watseka, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
I have a 2000 Explorer XLT. Sometimes when I first start up the vehicle the check gauge light comes on and there is no oil pressure for about 10 seconds or so. Then the pressure jumps to normal. Any suggestions?

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Its possible that it is a gauger issue.

Do you hear any unusual noise from the motor during this lag period?

How many miles on your rig? I had (still do, actually) an '86 Ranger with a 2.3 that had cronically low oil pressure but still ran okay. A friend of mine suggested changing the sending unit and I poo-pooed the idea. I finally did it just to shut him up and prove him wrong. When I had the old sending unit out, I started the truck for just a second to "burp" any crud out of the port that the unit screws into. When I did, I could of sworn I saw a little chunk of crud come out. Put a new sending unit in and it has been fine ever since (still going strong @ a little over 250K miles). That $5.00 fix was a lot better than the engine rebuild I was sure I needed.

I didn't notice any unusual sounds and this has actually happened around a dozen times or so. I'll probably try the sending unit. Anyone else have any suggestions?

It's not an uncommon problem. Usually the sending unit is gunked up.
