No-start diagnosis | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No-start diagnosis

Post number 6 has been selected as best answered.


Elite Explorer
July 25, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer XL
Hi All--

I let my '93 EX sit unstarted during the recent cold spell, so I wasn't terribly surprised to find a dead battery this morning. I pulled it and took it to Napa for a test and charge. They declared it dead (new 6mo ago) and replaced under warranty.

I installed new battery. Dash lights looked normal with key ON. Turned key to start. Dash lights go out, and no response at all. Now, no lights in ON position and no action in START position. Battery tests at 12.8 volts. All fuses in engine compartment test ok. (I didn't try to pull or test any relays).

Any suggestions for next steps?

I'll mention that I had a starter relay go bad on me a few months ago (the last time I changed the battery, actually). I wonder if that's my problem again. And, if so, what am I doing wrong during battery install that is killing my starter relay.

Thanks everyone. Happy New Year!

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If you can determine that one of the other relays is the same swap them and see if it starts. I know the horn and fuel pump relays are the same on my 2000 sport. I would expect you would have some the same on yours. Doubt if changing a battery is killing your starter relay.

I'll go give that a try. But don't you think I'd at least get lights on the dash (and things like automatic door locks / windows) with a good battery properly installed? I HAD lights, and then all of the sudden didn't.

I'll go give that a try. But don't you think I'd at least get lights on the dash (and things like automatic door locks / windows) with a good battery properly installed? I HAD lights, and then all of the sudden didn't.
Good point. I read your post to fast. Are there multiple cables coming of your battery terminals ? Maybe a bad wire if so.

The symptom you describe is often attributable to condition of improper terminal connection or internal cable corrosion. I have learned that a battery testing good, but clock resets and/or cd spits out is due to bad terminal connection.
