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nssj2's SAS 5.0 Build

Here goes nothing. Time to get rid of the IFS and go soild. Just picked up the Dana 44 yesterday, so I guess I'm allowed to start my thread. The planning thread is here. I'm hoping to have this wrapped up in a month or so, and I'm sorry in advance for the newbie questions lol.

So this is what's going down.
97 Mountaineer 5.0 w/ 4406

79 HP Dana 44 FW, 4.56 gears, Superior chrome moly axles and soild ujoints, warn premium hubs, tbird calipers
Wild Horses 12" Extended radius arms, 4* bushings (need 7*)
6" Deaver Coils
12" travel procomp 9000 shocks
93 Toyota IFS Steering box
79 Bronco tie rods
Track bar from BC broncos
2010 Jeep Wrangler drag link
mystery pitman arm
94 aerostar steering intermediate shaft, lengthened 4"

94 Ford 8.8, 4.56, aussie locked
4" superlift springs
explorer disc brakes
87 jeep cj7 rotors

Tires: 35x12.5 Goodyear MTR's
Wheels: American racing black classic
And a couple pics, of course.


Stay tuned!

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As of now, parts that will be for sale:
Edit: All sold

What did you decide on tire size? Any idea what shocks you're lookin' to run? What's your budget and your deadline? :D

What did you decide on tire size? Any idea what shocks you're lookin' to run? What's your budget and your deadline? :D

Tires are 35x12.5s, as I want to still be able to drive this on the road. Any bigger I'd have to go to 4.87s or more. Meaning re-gearing 2 axles, meaning I'm going to pass on that lol. James Duff has some nice shocks, so I'm getting those with the 5.5 JD springs. Rancho shocks are overpriced imo. So far I'm on target for my $1500 budget less wheels and tires, which is saweet. Well, my lease is up august 1st, so it damn well better be done by then lol. Any specific shock or tire recommendation?

How much would you want for that superlift drop bracket.. that's for dropping the front pig down right.?? and would I just need to do a SOA in the back to match the front??

um, little more to it then dropping the front diff.


For the rear, SOA will add 6" of lift. The front is a 4" kit. You can crank the torsion bars, but I doubt you'll get it level. The leafs are available from superlift for $500 shipped, last I checked.

I guess I'll be waiting for another oppertunity.... my paycheck wasn't as large as I liked it to be...

now not to be all doom and gloom on the SOA, the ride height will only be off by an inch, but still not level.

I have a question that hopefully a SAS guru will see. For mounting the front coils, I was thinking of welding on some 2x4 C channel to the back of the coil buckets to get the spacing right, so it matches the axle wedge width. Would that work?

Ok, time for parts ordering. Just hunted down the last junkyard part, and now its time for fun. Front axle is torn down, and in REALLY good shape. Damn those slide pins though. I'll post up a few pics when christmas in May arrives.

Updated first post parts list.

Parts arrived yesterday, along with a strange look from the lady in the front office. Man this thing is going to be sweet. I'm slightly nervous on a couple things. I might have to change the carrier on the 44, even though I supposedly ordered thick gears which would avoid that. That and the rebuild kit said it's for a rear ford dana 44, and the kit number doesn't match anything on bronco graveyard's site :confused:. I'd start matching stuff up, but the shop that's doing the regear wants the carrier in tact as to correctly install the new gears with the right adjustments. Still on schedule to gut out the truck next weekend :D

looks to be a fun project! good luck!

So a thought occurred. On the continuing saga of the rear axle, I think I've finally reached a plan. Has anyone tried using jeep CJ7 rotors with the explorer hardware on an f150 8.8 axle housing? I can get the housing and carrier for cheap cheap, have the axles custom cut to be 1/4" longer than a stock f150, move over my backing plate, pads and calipers, with the CJ7 rotor (11.75" dia, 5x5.5 bolt pattern). The diameter of the hub hole is what concerns me. the diameter is just a little bigger than the explorer's 11" dia, but I think I should have enough clearance. Or am I crazy lol?

I'm running a fullwitdh F150 rear 8.8, with modified explorer 8.8 disk brakes bolted up, re drill rotors, and little grinding around outside diameter where the rotor sits. Everything else is bolt up. Works great!

Subscribed, cant wait to see where this goes. Let me know when you need the help Ill be there!!

And here we go. Locked and loaded

not shabby for an hour. I deserve at least a 15 minute small space handicap lol

Should have everything out by thursday. Any tips on how to set up the coil buckets? As much drilling as I have ahead, I'm all for doing things once

subscribing....interested in seeing the steering box when you get to that point. My brother and I are doing his V8 SAS end of next month

interested in seeing the steering box when you get to that point.

yeah me too lol. I'm going to try a toyota IFS box, using an aerostar intermediate shaft. And in the pile of linkage seen above, I have a complete 79 bronco linkage system, a complete toyoda linkage system, and a custom center link with heims on each end. Some combination of all that is bound to work :D

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