Number 6 Plug not firing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Number 6 Plug not firing


New Member
February 25, 2003
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City, State
Tulsa , Oklahoma
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Limited
I have a 94 Explorer Limited. My number 6 plug not firing. I have checked and replaced the plug wires, Plugs are good, and even tested the coil pack with a new one at Autozone and it's fine...I even checked each wire with a timing light...All lit up except number 6. I have pulled the plug wire and grounded to spark and nothing... It looks like there is no fire from the number 6 terminal on the coil pack, But the coil pack checks out good.Any ideas?

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Well, what else is in the spark circuit? Does an explorer have ignition relays? This is a dark area for me & I'm just stabbing in the air.

You checked spark at the #6 coil & it was there. Then checked spark at #6 connector & no spark. Replace #6 cable with another that you know works & see if it sparks. If so then your cable is bad for #6.

That's about all I got. I hate to see no answers, so I hope this is better than nothing.


I will check the connection again...I just don't understand the problem...

Good Idea...Rick Help!

I am not very familiar with these--but I would try another coil pack. The #6 terminal may be arcing inside it--

Hook the #6 wire to the #5 terminal--just to see a spark on the #6 plug--
If this happens-you have elliminated the plug and wire.
Now--hook the #5 wire to the #6 coilpack terminal. If it doesn't spark, but did when wired correctly-this would be a clue--

just a thought--
don't take it for granted, just because a wire is new it is good.
Have you checked continuity on it? Use a meter?

I ohm the #6 plug wire and it was around 12 I think that was last night...I even tried another plug wire I know was good and still no fire...The test last night on the coil pack secondary was 12.57 on all three test and the primary was 7 ohm. I'm not a coil expert but your theory "terminal may be arcing inside it" I’ve never thought that...Is that possible?

Fixed :)

I replaced the coil pack, and that was the problem. Even testing it from the manual and checked good… So lesson learned, the book is not all ways right. Thank you all for your replies..

Thanks for the followup, my guess is that jt was correct. What happens is the the insulation breaks down on the windings. Think of it as a type of cross talk. You may be shorted to another winding or coil completely. It won't show up during a resistance test because not enough voltage is present to arc across. For an accurate test of this type you would need a test instrument called a megger.

