O/D Button | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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O/D Button


Active Member
September 2, 2014
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City, State
Middletown, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Ford Explorer XLT
I just noticed on my 2006 XLT 4.0L that when i press the O/D button on gearshift, nothing happens; not even a light on dash.

Is this a fuse? if so, which one would it be..

I also read there was a recall for gear shift lever circuit board. I guess the previous owner could have not taken it in for that.

Let me know what you all think!

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Could be a broken wire from the switch, down in the console.

any way to test that?

Not really, you are just going to have to act like you are going to pull the shifter and take a look at the wires on/in it. Also, IIRC the recall on the shifter had nothing to do with the OD button, it all had to do with the shift interlock function of it not working and allowing the vehicle to shift between P, D and R.

Gotcha, I appreciate the help. Thanks!

Do all 2006-2010 Explorers come equipped with the O/D button? I recently purchased a used 2007 Limited Ex V8, and the shift knob has a "spot" for a button, but no button. Is mine just missing?


I would imagine they did. I'm guessing yours is just missing.

Do all 2006-2010 Explorers come equipped with the O/D button? I recently purchased a used 2007 Limited Ex V8, and the shift knob has a "spot" for a button, but no button. Is mine just missing?


Like mcobb said, your OD button cover is missing off the side of the shifter (All 4th gen Ex's have an OD button). You can purchase another one to put back on it where it goes. There is a thread on that around here somewhere that I helped an individual find the part number for it.

Also, i wanted to add this--- i believe there is a light that illuminates the shifter. Mine does not show. So with the light and the overdrive both not working, do you strongly believe it is a wiring issue?

It is not unusual for an illumination bulb on these vehicles to burn out after 6+ years so the two issues may not be related at all. Bottom line is that you are going to have to pull the trim/console to see what is going on and it really doesn't take much effort to pull the trim in that area either.

You can test the light by unfolding a paper clip and placing it in the button opening.
My Ex was missing the same button at the dealership and the sales guy checked it with the paperclip.
The light on the panel did light up, and was fixed as part of the deal. Thinking it was more involved than just a new button.

Anybody have personal experience on no power to overdrive button? I removed the console this weekend and every thing looked okay. I dont have a manual in the veh so i dont knwo if there is a fuse for it or not. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

With the vehicle running did you verify voltage in the wires at the connector for the OD button?

no i did not. Basically i just did a visual inspection of the wires- looking for pinched or deteriorating wiring.

At a minimum I would use a DC non contact voltage tester on the lines to verify if you even have power going to it. Then you will have a better idea of where to go next.

ok. I know i sound redundant but is there a fuse i could check first to see if it is as simple as that?

No fuse that is specific to just the OD button as far as I am aware.
