OBD2 Troubles Explorer 2000 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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OBD2 Troubles Explorer 2000


New Member
March 25, 2013
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U2-2000|SOHC|LSD diff
Hi guys! I bought clone of ford VCM - OBD china adapter, and it found all other systems(abs, air ride, gem, 4x4), but it doesn't find main PCM module and transmission module! I thought that it's just adapter's problems and bought another one clone :D Elm-327, but again this thing found all except PCM and transmission modules. What's the problem? Is it possible that my explorer (2000 model year) doesn't support OBD2 protocol? It was made in USA, but that was version for export to europe. Thx :)

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what are you trying to read? your obd2 adapter can only read what the computer sends it. the older the vehicles the less parameters it monitors and sends. I do not think the tranny has any sensors you can monitor for this year

2000s can send torque into torque converter, shaft speeds, ATF temp, line pressure, and maybe more transmission info through OBD-II. I tend to think this vehicle may not have shipped with full OBD-II; since it was export it likely wasn't required to be OBD-II compliant.

The cheap OBDII scanner are cheap for a reason ... Also what program are you using and try using a different one... I just bought the Interfuse ELM327 v1.5 OBD-II Bluetooth Diagnostic Scanner with USB Bluetooth attachments for $13.99 and plan on using the Torque program for my phone ..

Thanks. I'm using Scan XL, Forscan, chinese Focom (it works with all modules but can't find PCM). Trying ELM master, scantool. In a fact i think that there's a really chopped version of OBD 2 because my car was made to EU export(((. May be i'll try to find somewhere an old obd-1 scanner and connect it.

These weekend i've tried to connect again with reinstalling bluetooth drivers, and the result was very good. This cheap ELM327 scanned all systems include TCM and PCM too, very nice. The problem was in com ports. Probably, diagnostic software couldn't recognize 11 and 12 com ports which i used, but it worked with 4 and 5 port :thumbsup:
