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Ocean Pacific's 4x4

Considering how I drive on mountain roads, do power slides in the snow, and off road every week, they've lasted very well! Hardly worn down after ~10K.

Truly too early to tell but its lookin good.

Great, thanks for the info man... I will keep reading about them but your experience definitely gives me good starting point...

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Hrm... If you guys are wheeling in San Bernadino, I'm just a stone's throw away in Ridgecrest. I think I could be convinced to come and play some weekend.

My Explorer's been feeling neglected lately, that miata is a highly addictive toy :help:

More Fun!

This was probably one of my scariest moments. Coming down an extremely steep hill while avoiding a large rock to my left.




A New Friend!






Awesome pics man!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

How did it go for the new friend? i've drove my brother's in law 2wd montero while off roading and they are pretty cool...

It did surprising well for being stock, tackled the same terrain as us. It had a diff lock which really helped it. He climbed some hills better than I did........:banghead:


I've been in some pretty tricky situations but always felt in control....that was up until the other day when this happened. I was degrees from rolling it big time. Had to have my partner attach a tow strap on the back and pull as I finished the obstacle. This really messed with me mentally and made me sick the rest of the day.



I've been in some pretty tricky situations but always felt in control....that was up until the other day when this happened. I was degrees from rolling it big time. Had to have my partner attach a tow strap on the back and pull as I finished the obstacle. This really messed with me mentally and made me sick the rest of the day.

Those are some intense angles man! I was in a similar situation several months back and I thought for sure I was gonna roll..ended up pushing through and made it out..I felt like vomiting and celebrating at the same time.

Great pics :thumbsup:. Nice to see more 3rd gens getting out on real trails :)

Anyone In The San Bernardino mountains or surrounding IE speak up! Were really looking for more trail runners to join us!:shifty_ey
If you send me a PM or post here before a run I might be able to join you.

Been busy with school but we still have time for some fun!










More Friends!

New toys :)

Next summer I have to drive out there to Cali to wheel with you guys. Too many fun trails that Im missing out on!

Jealous as usual, pics look awesome. How did the btf arms and locker perform, worth the investment hopefully?

Nice pics Ocean Pacific :thumbsup: Is that the eaton e-locker?

My BTF uppers got a good workout last month at GW Nat'l Forest. Worked great but the cup touches the coils at full droop. Still better than the spindle grinding on them though. I'll be doing some measuring and testing this week on a strut upgrade that will hopefully prevent the cup to coil contact.

At first I was hesitant on purchasing the new arms, but after installing them I'm much happier. They freed up the ride and took the stress off the entire front end. As for the locker, I haven't been able to get it installed yet. Its a selectable made by Auburn for the Ford 8.8 IRS believe it or not! Whats also interesting is that its a limited slip when not engaged.

I hope it will make a difference but having to wait I almost wish I would have invested in one for the front instead. I know I know, I would have to worry about turning and it only being a dana 30 but I hate when one tire gets airborne or looses traction and spins out-of-control which happens ALOT! Hopefully having the rear locked tho it will give it that extra little push to keep the front from loosing too much traction.

Yes, 31 spline. I got mine through eBay for $620 shipped. Thats the cheapest I could find.

thats actually better than i thought. does the auburn go in like the aussie/lunchbox locker or do you have to re setup your gears and everything?

I'm guessing and hoping that modifications wont have to be made. The eBay store told me it was a direct fit but I'm not going to rely on that. So technically the gears should line right up but I'm still going to have a shop check it. However, every shop around here has never worked on anything as complicated a our IRS and are dumbfounded on what to do......seriously lol. I just know I'll get a call 2 days after they've finally figured how to dropped rear end and tell me it wont fit.....:rolleyes:

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That locker replaces the whole carrier so they will have to setup the gears again. Shouldn't be a problem installing it...the only difference between that and the other 8.8 as far as the carrier goes is the way the axles are held in place.

Dropping the diff can be a pain though. :hammer:
