Oil catch can $30 Amazon vs $100+ name brand? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil catch can $30 Amazon vs $100+ name brand?


Well-Known Member
October 4, 2019
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City, State
Fruitport, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
14 Explorer PIU 3.5EB
I know you get what you pay for but for anyone who’s installed a oil catch can, Is it really worth the extra $. For what it’s worth mine is a used explorer interceptor with ecoboost but it’s beat up so throwing high $ items at it just doesn’t make too much sense but I would like to keep oil out of my intake, turbo piping intercooler and off the valves.

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When I had a blower on my Mustang I used one. Cheap cans will typically not have the filter medium to efficiently scrub the oil vapor from the air. I Would opt for a known good can to use on an Ecoboost engine. It is vital to install a good one to keep carbon buildup to a minimum on these engines and once the carbon builds up it is a chore to get rid of it. Look on YouTube for videos where people test catch cans. This will give you some brands to consider.

When I had a blower on my Mustang I used one. Cheap cans will typically not have the filter medium to efficiently scrub the oil vapor from the air. I Would opt for a known good can to use on an Ecoboost engine. It is vital to install a good one to keep carbon buildup to a minimum on these engines and once the carbon builds up it is a chore to get rid of it. Look on YouTube for videos where people test catch cans. This will give you some brands to consider.
Appreciate the thinking, I figured this is one of those where you don't want to go cheap. Mine has 100k miles on it so I can only imagine what the valves look like and cleaning them looks difficult and potentially could cause problems for the turbos if the debris breaks off in large enough chunks.But I figure why add to the problem and at least make it stop.

I use 2 JLT ones for my 2011 Mustang GT and a cheap one for when I had my 2.0T Fusion. The JLT has a honeycomb layout and some metal mesh in it. The cheap one did not have either but was much larger.

The cheap one in my case worked just as well as my others. Running a larger intercooler, I was pulling about 4 ounces of liquid that was milky looking almost every month during the winter. The past 2 months of warmer weather before trading it in, only pure oil was in the catch can.

I would say a cheap catch can is better than no catch can.

Having Googled a bunch of videos on catch cans... read about them in forums...
I got the top-of-the-line one from UPR: 15-Present SHO Flex Explorer 3.5L Ecoboost Dual Valve Catch Can Plug N Play ™

Have it on my 2016 Explorer Sport, and one on 2015 Mustang Ecoboost too. Very happy with results.
Thanks for sharing, this is helpful. With so many out there I wasn't seeing what made some of these better than the next or why one performed better than the others and managed to pull the oil out of the air better.

Th UPR looks top of the line components and price to match. UPR looks like a stage type filter setup and Steeda only a single stage. Adding UPR to shopping list. :chug:

Th UPR looks top of the line components and price to match. UPR looks like a stage type filter setup and Steeda only a single stage. Adding UPR to shopping list. :chug:
I can tell you the UPR catch cans I have for my Mustang look nice, but all 4 fittings that go into the catch can have broken over time from driving. I have tried to get replacements but they only try and sell my the newer versions. Plus finding the fitting is nearly impossible since it was an odd size to begin with.

I personally stay away from UPR as much as I can.

I can tell you the UPR catch cans I have for my Mustang look nice, but all 4 fittings that go into the catch can have broken over time from driving. I have tried to get replacements but they only try and sell my the newer versions. Plus finding the fitting is nearly impossible since it was an odd size to begin with.

I personally stay away from UPR as much as I can.

Thank you for your experience. These are things I would have never considered. I like stress version for the easy maintenance and cost. If things break, I can order another one from Ford directly. Price is way more affordable too. Maybe that would be better option for myself. 👍👍👍
