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Oil leak

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I am unable to view your photo, so I'm unable to help. Your link wants me to log into Facebook, but I don't have an account.

I am unable to view your photo, so I'm unable to help. Your link wants me to log into Facebook, but I don't have an account.
new trying to post a picture....is there any easy way I am missing

new trying to post a picture....is there any easy way I am missing
I don't have a Facebook account either but am able to see the picture but it is small. The easiest way to post pictures is to take out a $20 Elite membership and you can then post directly from your computer/device without having to link to 3rd party sites. That will also ensure the pictures don't disappear after time since they are saved to the Forum's servers.


The picture is too small to even tell.

The problem with oil leaks is that the oil is blown all over the place as the vehicle moves down the road. The best thing that you can do is to clean it up as much as possible where ever you see oil and then keep a real close eye on it. You just might catch it as it starts to appear.

it drips onto the exhaust....burns and fills the cabin with the smell. the leak seems to be driver side fairly low down. could be off to the stealer ship. :((

I would still try to clean some of it up before I went into the dealer. That is unless you want to wait around until they clean it up to start looking for the leak.

Just get some brake cleaner and get in there with some rags to clean it some.

I would still try to clean some of it up before I went into the dealer. That is unless you want to wait around until they clean it up to start looking for the leak.

Just get some brake cleaner and get in there with some rags to clean it some.
great idea.....damn thing sits so LOW

No Facebook, sorry.

Could be a motor mount but I really cannot tell what it is.

Classic location for a leaking PTU. Is the oil very black with a nasty smell? If so, that will be gear oil from the
PTU. Replacement runs $1200-$1500 at a Ford dealer.

PTU Leak!

yes very black and stinky.....what is a PTU?

thanks.....not really looking forward to at 1500 dollar repair bill for that....I'm just over my warranty too....think that would be covered under the power train warranty??

thanks.....not really looking forward to at 1500 dollar repair bill for that....I'm just over my warranty too....think that would be covered under the power train warranty??
The PTU (Power Transfer Unit) would fall under the powertrain warranty.


That's good to hear....I have extended warranty. thanks

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