On-board diagnostic system install? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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On-board diagnostic system install?


Well-Known Member
October 3, 2000
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2014 Explorer Sport
I know I'm just dreaming here but I think the On-board diagnostic system is one of the coolest things on a truck.

How easy (or hard) would it be to install. I would think it wouldn't be that hard. It would just take ALOT of wire splicing off the computer. To my understanding, it pretty much is a monitor to the onboard computer in our Explorers that reads the information sent to the computer and translates it into words.

If the car's fuel sensor reads it has 1/2 gallons of gas, that information is sent to the computer and to the fuel gauge (if I'm not mistaken). Why wouldn't you be able to splice into that wire, and then it will read on the screen "56 miles to empty".

Let me know what you all think.. :)

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i dont know how you would do it, but it sounds really cool. let me know when you perfect it :) ill take one.

what about just putting a computer in your car i have thought about that. you could put all the insides of the computer in the center console and use a small lcd monitor. hook it up to you stereo and play mp3's not to mention all the dianostic programs you could put on it.
Just a thought?

the on-board diag sounds like an awsome idea! id help u out, but im horrible at electronics =cP


If they can make cars that you can monitor and adjust your tire pressure inside the car, I'm sure they can think of the on board Diagnostic system! That will be cool:bounce:

There is an awesome software package out that you install on your laptop and using th supplied connectors you can get real-time diagnostics of your motor. I’m ordering it!






Go here for all the details


Hope this is what your looking for.

And if any of you who are ordering one is a student, let me know. You get a 25% discount!

Hmmmm, they also offer a better price for group buys !!!!
