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on board power house

damn i looked.. its a no go with my 3rd row... the seat mounts are in the way, it was gonna be deep enough just for an amp to hide the amp and cap, was gonna hide the sub in the passenger side rear well... but its a no go.. that sucks!

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damn i looked.. its a no go with my 3rd row... the seat mounts are in the way, it was gonna be deep enough just for an amp to hide the amp and cap, was gonna hide the sub in the passenger side rear well... but its a no go.. that sucks!

Is this 3rd row stock?where are the pics?i wanna see a first gen with stock 3rd row

You see i cant bring my self to spend that much or do i see myself needing it.it takes so long for two deep cycle batteries to run totally dead and even when they do it seems that with two deep cyles i can let them sit for awile and it will gain enough juice to start the truck.

True, I'm planning on having just one optima yellow top/equivalent... and I don't trust my personal electrical skills.

Looks like an efficient design. Just wondering how hot do those batteries get?

Looks like an efficient design. Just wondering how hot do those batteries get?

Batteries dont get hot at all or do the cables.the air lines get very hot though and blew the first set i had on there(fuel lines,i know) i have high temp air lines now and also found out that the compressor has a thermal switch so now i will be just leaving the lid closed on the box.you would be very surprised how offten i use this setup

True, I'm planning on having just one optima yellow top/equivalent... and I don't trust my personal electrical skills.

Yea someday i would like to have a controller and two optimas but this was done a the cheapest buget possible .dont know if you saw but got both those deep cells for like$60 ish,for what those controllers or the on 12volt on board air compressor unit run for i did all this
