Online Code Lookup/Repair Assistance | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Online Code Lookup/Repair Assistance


EF Tranny Guru
Moderator Emeritus
February 8, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Sacramento, CA 95827
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT
I will start this thread by saying I am not enamoured with the attempts of big business to buy up small competing companies and creating more of a monopoly... and that is happening at an ever increasing pace in Amercia these days (sigh).... ok that said...

SPX Corporation has been buying up the automotive companies right and left. OTC, Robinair and innumerable others... and now Actron and Auto X-ray (yep)...but in looking on the Actron site I found a link to an SPX site that I thought was interesting. The link is:

For a price (more later) they will give you the explanation of a Diagnostic trouble code (check engine code) and then a detailed description of why the code is set and then an explanation of possible ways to fix what is wrong. They even can more or less give you a step by step manual on the fix (I sense there is an additional price attached at some point when you want the manufacturer repair manual pages displayed - and it appears they can do that). There is a little flash player demo that is worth a look.

This is an interesting approach. I was impressed (and noticed they had some promos if you had a promo code - maybe Elite's here could get a one free use as a promo [hint to our esteemed leader to contact SPX]

Anyway the cost is $4.99 for 3 lookups, $12.99 for a 48 hour unlimited use of $100 for 12 months.

Go take a peek, it's probably the wave of the future.

Not surprising since SPX owns them. Thanks for that link.

I noticed it's only for Powertrain (P) codes. I wonder why they didn't do Body or Chassis codes (maybe because they are more manufacturer specific?). Anyhow, it's a new concept to me and I guess it can give the DIYer one last try before bringing it into a shop - but if something is kicking my @ss that bad, I'd let it go into the shop anyway. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

