Oops | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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June 6, 2002
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'97 EB
I screwed up today and put the car in park before it came to a complete stop. (i know, i know) When I did this I heard a bad sound ha. it sounded like 4 winding down "pops" almost. Then I noticed that the front right brake seemed to smell like it was burning. Also when I depress the brake pedal now, I almost hit a type of rattling in front right each time i depress pedal.. Any ideas what i screwed up?

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Are you 2WD, 4WD, or AWD?

Its 4WD, but is kept in AUto position

Maybe you trashed one of the CV joints on the front axle??

By the way, "oops" is my dog's favorite word. She associates it with food dropping out of the sky. :D

Is this considered somehting serious, or can the shop fix it in a day?

Well I'd jacked it up and check all your half shafts and stuff. Spin the tires around. The brake thing doesn't make any sense to me. Do you know how metal smells when you break it? Did it smell like that?

My buddy, in his Z71, was going in reverse in the snow trying to get out of a ditch, threw it into drive a floored it. He ended up losing 1st and OD. Cost a pretty penny too!

Well I brought it to the shop and jsut told them that brakes smelt like they were burning and that i am hearing a clicking sound when pressing on brake. They should be able to fix it, and if all my gears are working then i should be ok in the future right?

Its possible that you broke the parking pawl in the transmission. This is the piece that locks the trans from turning when the lever is in Park. I don't think that you would necessarily trash any of the gears this way though.

How fast were you moving when you shifted into Park?

I was braking hard and was probably at about 5 MPH

And now that I really tihnk about it, I think it was in either Neutral or Reverse when i realized what I did, and not park

You should probably avoid doing this again in the future. ;)

Later, when I get a chance, I will look at the factory manual (at home) and see if they have tests to determine if the parking pawl is ok.

Is that the only part of the transmisison that I could have risked damaging? What other parts can be damaged?

I looked at the factory manual to see if they have any tests for Parking pawl breakage. Nothing specific, you should just put it in Park and make sure the truck can't roll away. You should probably try this on a (very) slight incline.

If you did break the Park mechanism, the good news is that it is possible to replace some of the components while the trans is in the vehicle. The bad news is that you will have to remove the transfer case to get to them. The Parking pawl and other components are located at the rear of the trans, inside the extension housing. There is a toothed gear on the output shaft. The parking pawl locks into one of the gaps between the teeth to lock the output shaft from turning when in Park.

If you didn't actually shift into Park, but just N or R, then you may have not done any damage. Shifting into N shouldn't do anything. Shifting into R could do some damage to the gears, but I have heard/read that most electronic controlled transmissions won't engage R if the vehicle is moving forward at speed. I don't know if this is specifically true for your trans however.

I wouldn't try to worry about it until you get the other problem fixed, cause there isn't anything you can do about it now anyway ;)

What's the possibility that all you did was locked up your drive wheels when you put it into R? That would have caused the tires to smoke which stays with you for a while. Maybe all you smelled was burning rubber? The noise now though could be damage.

I put mine into reverse goin 20 mph down a hill. it locked up the brakes and it stalled, but i think its all good. Right now tho from the water incident i may be getting a new transmission, so whoopie! thanks to my great ford warranty!

yea i did same thing espn...meant to put it into N and hit bump and it went right into R and stalled...scared the hell outta me

Guys, I'm glad that you already did this....Now I won't need to try it to see what happens.:D
