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opinions on the sylvania silverstars

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Originally posted by explr1
You can always buy a set of amber foglights.
i have the HELLA 450s on my front bumper inbetween the headlights i run...they kind of help a bit....but theyr about as bright as the headlights i think lol
and about the rear bumper thing...haha thats a good idea....not only for road rage but my windows are so dark i can never see backing out...i have to stick my head out the window lol 2.5% windows kick ass

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Well...one of my PIAA's died a couple of weeks ago and now I have Silverstars. Here's my observation:

Looking at the headlight, it doesn't really make much difference compared to the PIAA's. It's not much whiter or brighter, it's comparable.

At night, "WOW!!" is all I could say. They light up the road very white and pretty bright. It's a lot whiter than the PIAA's. Also, I actually get some of the edges back. With PIAA's, there were sharp cut-offs at the very side of the light beam so I can't really see the side of the road as well, now with the Silverstars, I have some of the side back. Now, I really appreciate my $20 aftermarket fog lights because they fill in the rest of the "blinded area". Here're a couple of shots:



I really like mine. They have a great color being very white and not blue, and they are quite bright. I use my PIAA 520's much less now that I have the Silverstar's.


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ok, not to discount the silverstars but guess which one is the APC?


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Ummm...I'm guessing the right?

johnny, tell him what he won!!!!!!!!!

This is just my experience. After one factory bulb blew I used that excuse to buy silverstars ($36/pr@Discount). At first I was not doing back flips but after I took the time to realign the beam I felt like they were pretty acceptable. I like the color, they make my fog lights look like crap. I got the most results out of them when I wired up a home made Brite Box to increase the output. Now I really like them.

i really like mine- the stock lights suck, so i needed an upgrade, and the silverstars do the job well. i was behind my mom the other day and she called me to turn off my high beams. theres actually a distinctive beam on the ground now, too

In the Explorer the Silverstars sucked. But I decided to put them in the Bonneville and they are kick a$$!!! I guess the light housing makes all the difference.


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Originally posted by aldive
Anyone replaced their fog light bulbs with SilverStars yet?


don't you have an H1 fog light bulb?

if you do, i can get you a pair of the H1 OSRAM silverstars for about $24.00 pr.

i'll be in brandon the first week of march, maybe we could catch up.

osram is +50% more light
sylvania is +30%
[they don't say much about this. they only push 4000k]

philips hi-visibility +30%
sylvania xtra-vision +30%

APC does have a bad reputation, this is well known.
you don't get this by selling a quality product.


i love mine...way way way better then the normal ones, i paid $35 for a set out at Advanced Auto...:D

i have had the silver stars for a few mounths now and they are brighter than stock but arnt that bright for how much they cost. go to ebay and get some really bright lights for like $20.

This is from Sylvania's store, www.sylvaniaperformanceshop.com

I agree that the SilverStars are a great imporvement. Also the reflector does make a huge difference. If you have a complex reflector with the clear front you will get more from the upgraded bulbs than if you have the frosted glass with ridges.

I love these bulbs. the only thing that i don't like is that my lens are old and i kinda don't get the effect as well as i would with clear lenses.

dont seem like anything special.

agoric875 said:
dont seem like anything special.

sorry, u can't really get real excited over light bulbs, it was a nice addition to the x...i thought.... :cool:

Why doesnt everyone buy clearcorners with the silverstars. If your going to leave your foggy stock headlights installed than the Light from the Bulb is going to be affected. Get some clearcorners along with the new bulbs. Oh and '96eddiebauer, that looks awesome.

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