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Ordered my 2019 Sport 6-13-18

I'd be surprised if a dealer would put the Window Sticker and/or VIN of a vehicle that has been ordered by a customer on their website. Have not seen that around here. I can see them doing it if the vehicle was for sale on their lot, but not for one that has already been sold.


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All the Ford dealers around me do ... when I call/email about a vehicle, that’s when they tell me it’s a customer order and not available, and offer me a similar vehicle or offer to help me order one.

Well, today is the day. I've never been able to pull up the truck on COTUS, either by order number or VIN. Wonder why that is?

All the Ford dealers around me do ... when I call/email about a vehicle, that’s when they tell me it’s a customer order and not available, and offer me a similar vehicle or offer to help me order one.
The old "Bait & Switch" game.

Well, it's on the ground at the dealer as of 10-01-2018. I've never been able to track via COTUS, even today. Probably will go down tonight and look it over and then back tomorrow to complete the financial details. I hope this one is as good as my 2015.

Well, had the new one a couple of days now. Delivered to dealer on 10-02-18 and I picked it up 10-03-18. Nice, tight with that new car smell.
