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Out with the old, in with the new

I'd probably sell it but i don't want to ship it so it's gathering dust in my shop.

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I decided to put a lincoln locker in the rear before Saturday. Actually it will be a Snap-On locker since we have a four grand snap on welder but either way i decided to lock it that way on the stock axle. I'm going to upgrade when i finish my lift so this axle is basically spare parts. I don't drive it on the street anyways except for freeway on Fridays to drive it to Yankee Lake. If it wasn't for that i'd put less than ten miles a week on it.

will it perform alright on the freeway being the fact that the gears are welded?

Straight line driving is no different. The tight turning is more difficult since the rear wants to push the front straight regardless of whether or not they're turned.

What about turning on the street? Is it difficult? I know the tires probably squeal but could you deal with it if it were a daily driver?

I've owned several lincoln locked trucks and they really don't bother me. Turning around a gas pump island to get lined up can be frustrating at first if the turn is full lock but street wise it doesn't bother me much. My Grand Cherokee was cake all over town but my full size Chevy was a bit harder. The Chevy had 44s so that's part of the reason. I don't drive my Ex more than maybe twenty miles per week on the road so for me it's no big deal.

What about turning on the street? Is it difficult? I know the tires probably squeal but could you deal with it if it were a daily driver?
