Overhead console temperature sensor location? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Overhead console temperature sensor location?


Well-Known Member
January 9, 2010
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Upper Michigan, USA
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1996 Ford Ranger 4.0L V6
I'm looking over an explorer for the temperature sensor location used for the overhead console; I've looked on both sides of the engine bay, from top and bottom, all over by the headlights and radiator, and I can't find the thing. Can someone give me a specific location for it that I'm not seeing?

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Section 419-11: Electronic Compass 1997 Explorer, Mountaineer Workshop Manual



Temperature, Outside Air
The thermometer sensor (15A022) is attached to the radiator frame behind the grille. The temperature can be displayed in centigrade or fahrenheit by pressing the MODE switch.

If the outside temperature falls below 3.3°C (38°F), the display will alternate from "ICE" to the outside temperature at a two second rate for one minute.

The outside air temperature reading can be affected by engine heat when the vehicle is idling or has been off for less than two hours. The compass and thermometer (19A548) will limit the increase of the displayed temperature to one degree per minute at very low speeds or immediately after the ignition is turned on. After two minutes at a sustained speed of at least 53 km/h (33 mph), effects of engine heat are minimal and the compass will display the current outside temperature reading. Temperature decreases are always updated immediately.

If the outside air temperature sensor is short or open circuited, then the display will show 60°C (140°F) or -40°C (-40°F) respectively in place of temperature.

1983 Ford Bronco, I assume it would be relatively the same spot...



Thats pretty close, but Mine is on the drivers side (99 Mounty). You can see it with the hood up and look in front of the radiator in the drivers side. Its attached to an upright.

I'll give it another look - this will be my fourth try to find the darn thing. Thanks for the help!

this will be my fourth try to find the darn thing.

Whats the issue exactly?
Have any mods/major repairs been done to the front?--Maybe its just not there...

Transmission went out - the kid who had it said the overhead console displayed the temp correctly before, so I can't imagine it not being there. When getting it, I should be able to access it from the top then, correct?

Found it. Of course it was in "t h e one place I didn't look". Thanks for t h e help.

i still cant find mine. all i found up by my rad. is the tmission cooler, or thats what i think it is.

also how do you take it off bc mine stopped working altogether. also i heard that they dont work with a door ajar light is this true?
