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pads and rotor question

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I would never EVER put drilled rotors on anything other than a race car.
And only with pads specifically designed for that kind of abuse.

It's a zinc plating that will wear off anyway. I doubt anyone would ever notice they were once black except you.

Ditto. Not to mention an "off brand" Ebay rotor and pad kit with no reviews to be found. Buyer beware, we're talking brakes here.

I would never EVER put drilled rotors on anything other than a race car.
And only with pads specifically designed for that kind of abuse.

It's a zinc plating that will wear off anyway. I doubt anyone would ever notice they were once black except you.


Because that's what they're engineered for.

Typically you see them on high performance cars with HUGE brakes. There's a reason for that.

Taking a normal vented rotor drilling random holes and cutting slots in it does NOT make them better rotors. It makes them worse. Material is removed and cooling will be worse, not better. Plus you have less pad area pressing less rotor surface. Hot spots would probably be off the charts along with dusting.

I would GUESS you might save a few feet during a panic stop, but every other category would be worse than stock, and longevity - there'd be none.

Guess I'll pass on those then lol. What do you guys recommend?
