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Painting the interior...

I read a thread a while back about painting the interior vinyl so I went ahead and bought some black vinyl paint and did my door panels and stuff. They look great and the paint works wonderfully but I was wondering if it would work on leather? Has anyone tried this?

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looks very sharp, post some pictures of the center console when you can, id be interested in seeing that

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I painted my center counsel lid today with gloss black, turned out good. I plan on doing my door panels sometime soon.

i did the door armrests, button surrounds, and that soft stuff above them. the lid on the center console and the rear radio control surround all flat black. i made no mistakes and it turned out really, really good. i will post pics when i get the truck back from the "real" paint booth.


Looks like we started something good here... your trucks all look great! I began touching up more on the door panels and I did the rear center console area. I thought it would be cool to two tone the seats but I have not had the guts to touch the leather. We have any experimentalists out there? Anyone mess with the carpet on the doors yet?

ive got this leathery looking stuff on my doors, not the stuff with holes like you guys have, any idea on what to do with this, and what about that carpet, im dying to hear if anyone got to that stuff!!

I just did the drivers side door panels on mine and I have a few tips. I'm going to reinforce the idea of NOT using gloss black. I used it on my center counsel lid and I didn't like it. It was HELL trying to get it back to satin black. Make SURE all protectants are off of the area you're painting before you paint. If you paint over Armor All it will resist the paint. Mask everything off good, I had just a little bit of overspray which I was able to clean up with some WD40 and elbow grease.

Overall it's turning out ok so far, but it is very nerve racking!

told ya


man, i feel like such a tool asking for pictures again, but you guys have balls to go head on and do that to your interior :)

I finally finished my panels. Right after I finished I wasn't totally satisfied with the results, but after a few days I'm glad I did it. The reason I wasn't satisfied at first was because I kept putting coats on, but there were "streaks" forming and they wouldn't go away on one of the panels. I just left it that way, but after a few days it evened itself out and looks perfect now. I made some minor mistakes (overspray) but I was able to clean them up with some WD40. Pics follow:

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Just a little note about the center counsel lid, if you want to make it a little smoother, put a coat of the vinyl paint on it, then wetsand it with 1000 grit sand paper, wait to dry, then put the remaining coats on. Nice and smoooov, as FrankRizzo would say. :D

It looks great Hartman. I am glad to know Im finally part of something "new and cool" and not on the tail end of it! Haha. You guys have great ideas here on the board! So much help and advice! Thanks.

Liquidx9 - What part of Houston are you in? Im over at the Beltway and 45 South...


Hartman - Looks good... familiar but good. Question, did sanding it down and repainting with black fix that godforsaken gloss black? Mine just looks tacky. Good thing I didn't do everything like that.

Let me explain how I got it from gloss to flat.

First, let some WD40 soak on the gloss paint. Then, wet sand it with 1000 grit wet or dry sandpaper. I got it down to where you could start to see little specks of gray. Then, make sure everything is dry, then put one or two coats of the satin black paint on it. That should do the trick. It was a PITA to figure that out though.

i live in richmond, down by highway 6 and 59.. gotta love truck country, interior looks sharp guys

Oh man i'm gonna have to post some pics soon. I've got a 92 XLT that i'm converting to an all black interior. I'm using RIT dye and sponging it onto the headliner, visors, and center console. I plan to swp for a full length 95+ console soon. My only issues are finding black leather seats. Mustang fronts and X backs would work if I can't get X fronts, and painting the dash. The dash is the mind boggler for me right now. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Noach, you could buy one of the carpet dash colvers, they usually come in black or some other colors.

Recent Pictures

I finally got some more pictures taken... Enjoy.


nice everyone...

This plasticote junk works pretty good. I installed my dual guage pod the other day and it looked ok, but not great cause it was black and the pillar is gray. I know, I am trying to convert alot to black but this black thing stuck to my pillar looked really tacky. So, I used some fine grit sandpaper and sanded the pod down to a dull finish, primed the whole thing with some gray primer, painted it with about 5 coats of gray plasticote then 2 coats of clear coat to bring out the finish and add durability. Looks great now! check it:

(yeah, I know, I posted this pic on another thread too)


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Re: trendy...

Originally posted by LowdPypes
We have any experimentalists out there? Anyone mess with the carpet on the doors yet?
I know that this is kind of old but I finally got up the nerve to try it out. I bought some duplicolor vinyl and fabric dye and it has somewhat of a glossy look to it. Not too bad. I am somewhat happy with the panels. However, I went all out and painted the carpet on the doors. I amvery pleased with it. I think it looks 100% better. The dye that I used said that it was fine for use with carpet so I figured why not. The only thing I noticed is that the carpet is a little stiff right now. It has been maybe 24 hours since I completed it. It may soften up a little later. I took pics on a friend's digital camera so he should be sending them to me soon. I will post them once they are emailed to me.

Brandon, do you have the panels done to? or just the carpet? Can't wait for the pics

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I did both but because the paint was a little glossy I am not very happy with the panels. I will let it be for a while though. My friend has still not sent me the pics. It may be a few days. I will call him today and see whats up?
