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Palmer 7's '93 Limited Edition

Hello all! I have finally decided to make a registry after all this time haha. My explorer doesn't have a very big story behind it but It was purchased brand new by my grandpa in 1993. The first time I saw the ex was when I was 5 at Portland international raceway and I knew some day it would be all mine! NOT! hahaha. Then in 2002 my dad purchased the ex from my grandpa, I was always around it and thought it was a pretty nice car but never thought it would become mine. then in 2009 when I FINALLY passed my drivers license test my dad gave me the Sploder and I fell in love with it! All up until it started giving me trouble... I don't have pictures of it when it was given to me but right when I got it I changed the oil and the filter, next thing that went wrong from there is the head lights went out. so I replaced those, then then the right turn signal went out luckily only another bulb which I replaced. then I realized none of the interior lights worked soooooo once again... I replaced those. I thought I was in the clear for awhile, WRONG! The Premium sound system sub-woofer by JBL went out on me so I just left it. Next thing I got replaced after awhile was my front bushings because I was noticing a loud clunk every time I went over a bump so that fixed that. So after having the Ex for about 6 months I am finally coming up on my graduation day from High school and the number one thing I was thinking about the whole time is what should I do with my graduation money to the Ex. hahaha. Right when I got my money for graduation i went to Car Toys (bad decision, now that I'm a little more educated) and I purchased 2 brand new 10" pioneer subs a 500 watt amp and got it all installed in my ex and that took up all my money haha. But it really fixed my sub problem! Also got a pretty cheap Pioneer deck from Outrageous Audio. This is what I was running for awhile no more upgrades for the time being until I found this site and got my idea to lift my Ex right then my running boards came off and I bought 31x9.50 Hercules A/T tires and this is where my Ex is currently at.


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Picked up some lights at walmart today $41 for 2 burners 5.5" off-road lights. They look decent for the low price hopefully they work good. I'll get them on tomorrow and take pictures. Also found a skyjacker 6" on craigslist for $800 plus extra parts he will have it available later in the next 2 months I'll deff be able to pick it up by then, very excited.

Yea I think I'm going to paint it black for sure. Hey if your free next week I might be trying to ge out to browns with a couple buddies either Tuesday or Thursday.

some updates got my Hella lights on bought a flowmaster 40 also have that installed Ordered hid conversion kit and some new Crawler wheels.

Went to browns camp yesterday and got some pics!

Started out a fine wheeling day.





Then we hit some snow.










Those lights look hella cool mate :D (sorry, couldn't help myself) Awesome pic's and how's the flowmaster sounding?

Yea they look good on the bumper and they work great. The flowmaster sounds awesome nice deep rumble. Took a little time to break it in but it's better then the holes in my stock muffler.

Looks like you broke in all your new add one nicely. Been out of the loop because I got my Nova up here. We will have yo hang out soon. Love the pics looked like a pretty good. Time. Keep up the good work on the EX!!!

thanks stryct, yea the bumper took it like a champ nothing broke a couple scratches and my allignment is messed up but its good.

Picked up an optima yellow top yesterday hopefully it will be working good with the rest of my lights im getting. Getting a hook up on a top basket for $100 soon then I'll be purchasing 4 more hella's get my burner lights mounted on the rear for back up lights and then get a Night hawk CB and firestik antenna setup.

Did an hid conversion kit recently very very happy with the outcome they made everything much brighter but I can't seem to get the hi's working not like I need them haha. Also got new Taylor custom fit sparkling wires in and hopefully they will do good for me. Also got some rock crawler 15x10 wheels and yes 15x10!!!! With 3.75 in backspace they are big boy wheels got them installed and they look great. I'll try and get pictures soon of those upgrades. Also ordered a throttle body spacer I heard they really work and I'm hoping so haha. I need to start looking for a cheap lift nothing special the 2" I nice but I wanna get up too a 4" for now. Thinking of buying a 5spd parts explorer and sit on it till I can get the funds to swap out the tranny mine is still going down bill righ now. Everything else is looking good other than my tie rod ends and ball joints all around need to be replaced my steering pulls very hard right an allignment is needed but I need to wait till I get those parts in before I can do anything.

Awesome plans palmer, too bad ya didn't live closer cause I have a lift I could take off for you to buy :p:

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Any updates? you've got a nice lookin first gen :thumbsup:
