PASSENGER SIDE RADIUS ARM NEEDED | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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December 13, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Walla Walla, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Eddie Bauer
I have a 1994 Explorer and while trying to remove the nut on the passenger side radius arm (so I can replace the radius arm bushings) I twisted the threaded part of the radius arm off; the nut would not budge. So now I'm in need of a radius arm. Does anyone have a 1991-1994 Explorer that they're parting out that is willing to sell me a passenger radius arm? I'd even settle for someone cutting off about 6-10 inches up the arm (behind the bushings) so I could weld it on my radius arm. I'd rather have the entire arm, but it can be difficult to get off if the bolts are frozen, which is why I'd settle for just cutting the end of it off. I have a welder and I can weld it on my arm.

I have a picture I can provide of my radius arm for reference, but I can't figure out how to attach it to this post. I can e-mail it to you if you want to see what I'm referring to....Let me know what you have. Thanks...

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Still need an arm? I got a 96 ranger ttb for parts.

Still need an arm? I got a 96 ranger ttb for parts.
I found a radius arm from OEM Select Parts. It's currently on it's way and should be here tomorrow (Thursday). If for some reason it doesn't fit or is the wrong one, I'll let you know.

I initially ordered a radius arm that turned out to be the wrong one (it didn't fit). I didn't realize there was a difference between a 2wd and 4x4 radius arm. The one I initially ordered was for a 2wd. So now I have a brand new 2wd radius arm for sale; selling it for $40 + shipping.

With that said, is your ranger a 4x4? If not, it won't fit my Explorer.

It's a 4x4. All I have is the front drivetrain, I scrapped the rest. 3.73 axle with dual piston calipers and manual hubs. It's all for parts as I have no plans for it.

It's a 4x4. All I have is the front drivetrain, I scrapped the rest. 3.73 axle with dual piston calipers and manual hubs. It's all for parts as I have no plans for it.
While checking the bearings on the driver's side, I discovered the nut that holds the rotor bearing on was loose (manual hubs). Consequently I found the threads on the end of the spindle was messed up and the splined axle spacer/washer that mounts on the axle shaft right behind the c-clip was bent and I couldn't get it off the axle, so I had to cut it off. I found a spindle today on E-bay, but I still need to find that splined axle washer/spacer. Would you happen to have this splined washer? My front is a Dana 35, if that makes a difference. I could send you a picture of the washer if you need me to.

I'll see if I have one around the shop, don't really want to tear apart a complete axle for a $5 part.

I'll see if I have one around the shop, don't really want to tear apart a complete axle for a $5 part.
Don't blame you. I'm told I can find one at a Ford dealer, but we don't have a Ford dealer in our town anymore so I'll have to find one online.

Manual or auto hubs? I think I might have spindle hardware for auto hubs laying around.

I have manual hubs, but I found the parts I needed and it's all back together and running good. Thanks for contacting me. FYI....I have a brand new radius arm for a 2wd that I purchased by mistake. I didn't know there was a difference between the 2wd and 4wd. If you know of anyone that needs one, please let me know. I'm selling it for only $40 + shipping.
