PATS problem. Is there a bypass proceedure? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PATS problem. Is there a bypass proceedure?


New Member
May 29, 2012
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1998 explorer
Well, Here goes... 1998 Explorer...4.0 SOHC Truck just died while driving. Changes fuel pump, Camshaft pos. sensor, Coil pack, and crankshaft pos. sensor. Finally saw the THEFT light blinking.. Now... If I leave the key on "on" position.. for a little while..The "check engine" light comes on (sometimes) Now when that light comes on and the THEFT light goes off. The truck will start up fine. Is there some " module or something that can be changed?
I am just at wits end. Trying to figure this out.
New member here.. Hope someone may be able to shed some light.
Thank you.

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I don't believe your problem is pats related. IF you turn your key on ("forever"), your check engine light should stay on "forever"... it should never go out until a crank is attempted. Check your PCM relay with a meter... or use the "just throw some dollars at a part method" and "cross fingers" with a replacement.

or use the "just throw some dollars at a part method" and "cross fingers" with a replacement.

Seems he's already made that attempt!

ya BUT... I don't think he hasn't thrown enough yet... :)

Sounds like you need to prime the fuel pump. Turn the key to on but do not start 5 times with 20 second intervals then try to start. If you think its a pats issue do you have another key to try?
