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Philips 8 LED DRL on sale


Active Member
April 14, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Limited

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Yeah, quite price difference.
Are you gonna wiring it always on?

Should I buy the $10 stuff and spend rest to treat myself?!;)

Yeah i'll probably wire to always stay on. This way i dont have to use my HID fogs all the time. Hey, who knows maybe i wasted my $10. Wait for my pics and mini review then you'll know if to do it or not.

Yeah i'll probably wire to always stay on. This way i dont have to use my HID fogs all the time. Hey, who knows maybe i wasted my $10. Wait for my pics and mini review then you'll know if to do it or not.

If it's wired always on, isn't gonna be staying on ALL the TIME?
Even when the engine is off?

If it's wired always on, isn't gonna be staying on ALL the TIME?
Even when the engine is off?

Leon, think about it for a second. Why would i want it on or it would be on when the engine is off. No of course not, it will be on when the engine is on and i am driving and when i am not it will be off. :eek::eek::)

The person who deliberately puts lights to remain on when the engine is off should be shot! LOL

Leon, think about it for a second. Why would i want it on or it would be on when the engine is off. No of course not, it will be on when the engine is on and i am driving and when i am not it will be off. :eek::eek::)

The person who deliberately puts lights to remain on when the engine is off should be shot! LOL

Yeah, I'm no mechanic.
How u do it?

get a drl harness/controller from ebay. I've seen two types: drl on/off with headlights and drl dims when headlight on(I have this style).

Here's the one I have and it works great:


Here's a drl on/off with headlight controller:

