PIAA 520's legal? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PIAA 520's legal?

I was wondering if the PIAA 520 fog/driving lights on a safari guard are legal to leave on while driving around town.:confused:


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Fogs maybe, if properly aimed not to blind other drivers. Running aftermarket driving lights with other drivers around is a :nono:

You will probly get a ticket if you do. I have gotten some troble in the past with big lights on even though ther were properly aimed.

no aftermarket light that I know of is street legal. however, you probably won't get pulled over if they are the fogs and they are aimed properly. The driving definately aren't legal for street use, but I run the fogs constantly around town and never been pulled over once.

Originally posted by mattadams
I run the fogs constantly around town and never been pulled over once.

I second that.
