Pics of Door Speakers with Grilles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pics of Door Speakers with Grilles

November 7, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Emporia, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Merc Mountaineer
Anybody have any pics of speakers installed in doors with their grilles? I looked in the gallery and didn;t see any pics where anybody has tried that so I was just curious if anybody has. Thanks< Robert

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Ive gotten some cool speaker grilles before with my speakers, but they looked horrible when I held them up on the door/rear deck lol

Ive gotten some cool speaker grilles before with my speakers, but they looked horrible when I held them up on the door/rear deck lol

So have I, but I would figure that somebody has been able to fashion the speakers and grills to look good in the Explorers/Mountaineers. I have the mach system with the sub in the back and I can't even tell it is thumping at all when I turn the volume up, and the speakers in the doors sound ok, but not up to snuff in my books.

why not mount the speakers in the stock location behind the stock grille? Rather than butchering a stock panel

heres a focal k2p 6.5" mid...had to use a 1 1/4" space for it to fit. One of the beefiest 6.5s ull ever see.


i think the op will find that even though a ton of people change the speakers in there Explorers, that most of the time they just make speakers fit inside the doors, or match the shape and size that are already in there,,,
i know i did, went with Kenwood 2 ways that fit the stock opening, and wasn't disapointed,, they sound great, all i did after that was add some tweeters just above them in a surface mount, looks okay , sounds great ,

you definitely want to upgrade to a round speaker if ur serious about the sound. But adapters are super easily made or purchased.
