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Pics of my Safari Bar


Active Member
November 30, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport
Hey everyone, here are some pics of my safari bar. If someone can tell me how to post them onto this page that would be great, otherwise, here is the link.




[Edited by Ray Lobato on 12-01-2000 at 06:10 PM]

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Very Nice. Good choice

another safari bar!! i thought no one had these! i got one a few months ago, and managed to fit a pair of hella 1000 in there, but i had to make extension plates to fit on the tabs to bring them closer to the center. take a look, the bigger lights make it look better i think
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[Edited by <<MONOCHROMOUS>> on 12-01-2000 at 05:27 PM]


Monochromous, your bar looks great. You're right, the large lights do look really good.

monochromous, was it very hard to put those lights on there? it looks good with those lights. nice ride.

it wasnt that hard, it just took time and sweat, the tabs on the bar were in the wrong place b/c the lights were so big they would hit the bar where it bent down. i made some spacer plates out of old iron hinges to bring them into the center. Wiring was a different story! it took me an hour to wire them correctly to the high beams, ill try to get a pic of my plates up soon
