Pin-Stripe Removal Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pin-Stripe Removal Help


Well-Known Member
April 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Lakeland, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Explorer XLT
I removed all the pin-stripe off my Explorer yesterday afternoon. I have a line all around from it being on there. I was planning on using Paint Thinner aka Mineral Spirits to remove the residue, then I'm planning to have the truck buffed later. Any recomendations, opinions or objections on this?


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I'd say just put a polishing compound over where the pinstripe was, and then buff off. May require a pass or two and some elbow grease, but removes marks/residue well.

I'd say just put a polishing compound over where the pinstripe was, and then buff off. May require a pass or two and some elbow grease, but removes marks/residue well.

It's not going to get buffed for a little while. I'm going to have a guy I know who has his own detail shop do it sometime. For now I just wanted to get it off myself by hand and make sure paint thinner or what have you is ok to use?

Paint thinner would worry me IMO. I have seen people use it to remove residue before, it's just it seems like it would hurt the paint.

*Disclaimer: Although when I have seen it used it didn't hurt the paint, that doesn't mean it can't. Just be sure not to use too much and don't leave it on too long. Hopefully other people will jump in knowing if paint thinner will hurt it, and/or with other things that would work well.

goo gone? I had a guy I know detail the exterior of my car and he did a complete **** job. a good buff should do it.

What is the residue? Is it like adhesive? No paint thinner...

i have often found that when there is like glue on a painted surface i use plain old liquid car wax .the petrolium distilates in the wax break up the glue and makes it easier to remove ...may kind of glob up but you can wipe it off .

Thanks for all the replies. I ended up using Goo Gone to get rid of the residue which seemed to work pretty well just took time and my finger is now sore. Only problem now is you can see a ghost of the pin-stripe so to speak where it was. Any idea if buffing will get rid of this or a product? Thanks

rubbing compound and a buffer will make the faded paint around it brighter. that should get rid of the ghost pinstripe and make the paint look "like new"*

***results may vary, i (blue bomber) am not responsible for burned paint, uncovered rust spots, spots that refuse to shine, or any other mishaps that occur when buffing and drinking:D
remeber friends dont let friends buff drunk!

I personally use this product called Ghost-off to remove the ghost image of signs off vehicles. Often times when you have a vehicle with a vinyl decal for a long period of times it leaves a ghost image of it.. Simply spray it let is soak for a minute and agitate it with a sponge then rinse away. Works wonders. Only drawback is that the stuff cost like $20 a galloon but it doesn't hurt the finish like paint thinner, acetone, etc does.


  • ghost-off.gif
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...who-ya-gonna-call ??.......ghost-off / busters ! lol :confused::D

...never seen that product before .

...who-ya-gonna-call ??.......ghost-off / busters ! lol :confused::D

...never seen that product before .

Lol.. its used in the sign industry.. Its part of a 3 part system. One bottle for the vinyl graphic removal, one for the adhesive removal and one for the ghost image removal. Works great. I used it recently on a church van I did that had 10 year old vinyl that was nasty.
