pissed at the water company (rant ) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pissed at the water company (rant )


Explorer Addict
February 19, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Flowery Branch , Georgia, 1994 sport 2wd auto
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 colorado 2wd 5spd
story : our property has a big side lot attached to it ( we call it the "upper lot " .on this bit of land we have 3 rather large pine trees .2 fell last year from being dead for at least 3 years prior ...the third one ( which i might add was quite healthy ...just got pushed over today by a dozer:splat: .

why you ask ?....it just pines right ? here's the story on how that happened ,

after the day 2 weeks ago they got here and noticed that they parked their equipment on our property which was well over the 15ft right of way from the side of the road ( our side ) so me and my neighbor go and have a talk to them . i ask whats going on and they tell me about how new water and cable is layed down in the neighborhood .

i tell them that they are parked well over their legal space on our land and how they could make craters in the ground ( see in the past year or so ago we had a county trim day ( mowers on tractors / bushhogs) and they decided to use our land as a big dounut track and left big ruts that my mower can't go over ) so i ask them to not make holes or ruts and not bother to fix them and to take the opperation to another unpopulated area of the subdivision.....they say .......

"well we can park anywhere really they want " so i'm like ok ,this is going to be fun , so i say "i see ,well they only thing i ask if you make any damage to please clean it up or repair the damage thats is caused .the only thing i do ask tho is this ,

now keep in mind my next door nighbors is stading with me as we are all talking ..... "would you please take those 2 ( count them --> 2 <-- ) dead and fallen over pines with your equipment and push them back into the tree line / woods ( maybe 200 ft distance) so that way i don't have to cut them up and they will be out of sight and out of the way . then my neighbor happens to mention "hey,why don't you get them to take down that other ( the healthy one ) pine down ? " at this point i got in my mind "ok if they do decide not to move those trees for me ( since they are useing our land for this **** ) i wont have 3 dead trees to contend with and i tell this to them both ( my neighbor and the construction chief ) ,so we all leave that day and went our separate ways .

a week and a half ago they start tearing up the roads in the lower part of the subdivision and laying pipe ( no where near our lots ) so .........

today i get woke up early again and low and behold what do i find when i go out side ? ...i see 2 of my neighbors standing up at the mail box talking to them and noticed that something in the landscape was not right ....they pushed overthe good healthy large pine over :rolleyes: .

i made the head guy turn off his back hoe and asked him what the hell happend to my tree .... he says " you wanted to push that pine over right ? " ....... i look back at him and said witha very discusted look on my face " NO, I NEVER SAID THAT " ...he goes "yes you did " , them i tell him that he needs to listen better and that was never said .the line they are digging was in no way in their path ,plus that tree was well over the legal right of way space ...well into our side of the property .

f'ing morons ...i swear .

sorry for the long rant today , what turned into a sliding 2 dead light weight trees into a tree line for the use of our land for their base of operations has now become the TOTAL REMOVEL OF 3 LARGE PINES ;).

have any of you have this happen to you and what did you do to correct it ?
i mean should i call the water department and complain about this .

update ....

i called the construction office and they sent a person out to talk . basiclly every thing that was shown to him was agree'ed that it was their fault .so now i'm getting the trees removed by hand and the stumps ground down and also they are to regrate the lot ( aprx' half the lot ) :D.

he told me that they over stepped their bounderies and that every thing i asked today to be done i will be given to us . the only sad thing about all this was we had a birch tree growing in a round mound in the upper lot that belonged to my late grandmother .it was planted about a year before she died but due to the stupidity of the guy working out there they had pushed the good pine tree directlly over the birch tree and killed it .

if your doing work on someones land ( well into someones land ) and see something out of place like that mound witha single birch tree growing out of it you would think to stop and ask " hey are you wanting to keep this or is this ok to destroy ?" but no ..... f ' it right ?!

if our drive way caves in from the 8 inch pipe ( 12 inch hole the bored ) they ran then we will be getting some drive way work out of them as well .

the guy told me that "yes they are going to get their ass's chewed today and that what i was thinking that what would had been a easy job now has tripled in cost and labor because they could not stop for 10 minutes and knock on a door .

oh well .....stupid is what stupid does :rolleyes:

We have the opposite problem--two pine trees too close to overhead power lines. The tree company can't take them out like that.

The power company was called repeatedly 2 years ago, they said they'd come check it out, but never did.
